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About Jerri-Kay

  • Birthday 06/02/1994

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Buckinghamshire, England

Jerri-Kay's Achievements

Best Boy

Best Boy (4/23)



  1. BONJOURNO! i havent posted in the SM forums since last year and thought i should show my face im really looking forward to seeing all your lovely costumes! i was originally going to be away for LFCC but now im back (and bad) i dont really have any plans thus far..havent really thought about it, need to get some other cons out the way first, but..sucker punch might be on the cards...might.
  2. Have you seen these? :) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=478993085445342&set=a.478992695445381.110034.289955224349130&type=3&permPage=1 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=478993115445339&set=a.478992695445381.110034.289955224349130&type=3&permPage=1
  3. Great video, although I wished you'd told me that you were filming me, I look miserable as sin ha!
  4. I DID ITTTTTTTT for you guys haha! sorted out and updated mine xD http://cosplayisland.com/overview/Jerri-Kay
  5. hey guys, i FINALLY updated and sorted out my cosplay island haha! here you go :) http://cosplayisland.com/overview/Jerri-Kay
  6. Ahh Thankyou! Everyone is so lovely about my costumes. I love the cosplay community! <3 all of you, thankyou for being my friends and being supportive :)
  7. I've asked around but I can't find any professional pictures!
  8. Ooh I'm not Tallis, that's Jemma, Vamp_Rogue :) beautiful, isn't she?
  9. Has anyone got all the photos from the massive batman shoot? :)
  10. I think I'm just Jerri-Kay on cosplay island too...although I'm rubbish at updating it! You can add me on fb :)
  11. I'm more than willing to take on views but not when they're spiteful and way overboard. Any who, lets not high jack this thread, if you want to express your opinion further, start your own thread :)
  12. Aw well Thankyou very much! :) what a lovely thing to say! I will definitely be black cat again hehe!
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