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Dodgy RotK copies


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Was out shopping today and saw a guy on a market stall selling what looked like some really dodgy copies of RotK for like a fiver !!!

People were buying em by the load, guess i could do my part for NewLine and PJ, anyone know the number for F.A.C.T ?? lol




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It was amazing how quickly the LOTR lists I was on were flooded by posts from people advertising ROTK DVDs for sale once the film was out. I know some people will be tempted - it's inevitable - but it does **** me off. It's ages yet till it's released officially, but I'm guessing the bootlegs won't have all those cuddly extras that make 'em fun... :lol:

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Personally I dont agree with funding organized crime and terrorism. Or undermining hard working people, but thats just my opinion. Id rather wait for the legal copy. :angel:

Love Jen xxx

I don't really agree with bootlegs. I've had some before when films were not available for sale in the country. by and large, I go for the real thing when it c omes out. it's safer that way :unsure:

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Personally I dont agree with funding organized crime and terrorism. Or undermining hard working people, but thats just my opinion. Id rather wait for the legal copy. :(

Love Jen xxx

Terrorism! :rolleyes: Maybe just a little OTT there.


Hmm, I have mixed views on this subject... if, for example: I saw a pirate copy of ROTK at a market for a couple of quid, I would buy it... but, I wouldn't be taking any money from Newline (like they don't have enough already though, lol), PJ, DVD companies or anything because... I would of course buy the official DVD when it comes out! As well as the extended version!


K xxxxxxxxxx :D

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Personally I dont agree with funding organized crime and terrorism.  Or undermining hard working people, but thats just my opinion.  Id rather wait for the legal copy. :D

  Love Jen xxx

Terrorism! :P Maybe just a little OTT there.


Hmm, I have mixed views on this subject... if, for example: I saw a pirate copy of ROTK at a market for a couple of quid, I would buy it... but, I wouldn't be taking any money from Newline (like they don't have enough already though, lol), PJ, DVD companies or anything because... I would of course buy the official DVD when it comes out! As well as the extended version!


K xxxxxxxxxx :D

OK I know it sounds a little OTT. Maybe it doesnt take money from New Line, but it does give money to people I don't like such as theives and illegal organizations. :lol: Thats the part I dont like, who knows what it might lead to, I prefer to give my money to the legit companies. But again, just my opinion :D

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Well at the moment there is no DVD Screener of Return of the King, the last 2 years there have been DVD Screeners of LOTR but this year they stopped doing DVD Screeners and have only been doing VHS Screeners.


As for what a DVD Screener is, its just the film on a DVD usually with no menu and 5.1 audio with perfect picture quality, they are sent out this time of year to judges for the Oscars but like I said, the MPAA this year tried to ban all Screeners because they knew the best quality pirates were from them, so now there are only VHS Screeners of the top films.


Currently the best copy of Return of the King out there is taken from a 2 Tape VHS Screener, it is the same quality as any VHS film just on VCD which some people have converted to DVD so you can play the film on your DVD player more easily.


As for buying pirate films, I dont see the point in paying people for them when you can download them from alot of places on the net, and when finished with them you can just delete them and go buy the official dvd, that is what I have always done.

Edited by Colonel Jack O'Neill
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As for buying pirate films, I dont see the point in paying people for them when you can download them from alot of places on the net, and when finished with them you can just delete them and go buy the official dvd, that is what I have always done.

Unless, like me, you have the s***iest old computer :P which barely handles posting messages on the forum, let alone downloading films! :D

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  • Showmasters Admin
Was out shopping today and saw a guy on a market stall selling what looked like some really dodgy copies of RotK for like a fiver !!!

People were buying em by the load, guess i could do my part for NewLine and PJ, anyone know the number for F.A.C.T ?? lol

Usually the best people to ring are your local trading standards. Their number will be in the phone book.

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i have recently seen one of these pirate dvds of ROTK, sometimes you can get a good copy and others a bad one. this copy was the worst i have ever seen mainly because it kept skipping through the film! but if someone offered me a decent copy for a fiver would i buy it? probably.


why? you may ask, because it means i get to watch one of my favourite films when i want without having to pay the overpriced cinemas.


my friends tell me i would be funding organised crime and terrorism. well yes i would be funding AN organised crime, pirate dvd sellers that effectively evade the police! you would have to be organised to do that. but the supporting of terrorism is only in the most extreme of cases, most of these pirate dvd sellers are saving the money to pay for the rest of their families to come over in hopes of a better life.


my friends also tell me that the studios would lose money and have to shut down because of me. very unlikely!

i still buy the over priced dvds when they're released anyway.

and it would take everyone to stop buying any films released by a studio to put it out of business.


anyway enough of my ranting!

does anyone know the release dates yet?




p.s. organised crime funding - tobacco, alcohol, some film studios.

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Was out shopping today and saw a guy on a market stall selling what looked like some really dodgy copies of RotK for like a fiver !!!

People were buying em by the load, guess i could do my part for NewLine and PJ, anyone know the number for F.A.C.T ?? lol




i have one! my friend got it from banglasdesh - it was like only £1.50!! the quality isnt very good, although its funny coz its actually filming a cinema screen, so you see random people getting up for the loo and scratching their heads n stuff!!!! its in black and white too, which lucily doesnt effect the dark and dreary scens much, although it spoils the look of hobbiton and rivendell.

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