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Everything posted by cyd0nian

  1. Fantastic guest, was really hoping for this, but with his theatre stuff for some reason I thought it would be a while. Been away a week and come back to this, AWESOME! Now, do I want a shoot...?
  2. Fantastic, was a real shame he had to cancel last year, great guest, thanks very much guys!
  3. Great guest, glad he has been rescheduled for somewhere after the sad end of Warp 10
  4. I did yeah, wound up getting the gear to store mine. They were really helpful on the stall. I'd known for a while that the way I was storing mine wasn't the permanent solution I wanted, and they just seemed to appear at the right moment
  5. Think it's about time for the Rani to regenerate!
  6. I'll always second Voyager guests!
  7. TOS Season 2: Who Mourns for Adonais? DS9 Season 2: Shadowplay Playing God Profit and Loss Blood Oath The Maquis, Part I The Maquis, Part II The Wire Been hammering the Trek
  8. I'm pretty sure I post this into every guest suggestion thread, but Geoff Johns. His Green Lantern work is stunning, and he recently worked the massive Flash event, and he is spearheading the massive DC relaunch in September writing the new Justice League and Aquaman comics.
  9. You're right that they are different in many ways, but Star Wars has moved into TV shows (The Clone Wars has run for as many seasons as The Original Series of Trek) and there have been 11 Star Trek movies.
  10. It's funny, because checking the LFCC forum had become part of my daily routine, and now it's over I know that this one is going to grow into the equivalent, but it's just getting started in here, how exciting!
  11. One of the coolest character in the Star Wars universe in my opinion. A great guest, thanks guys!
  12. I thought it would be pretty even, but I didn't realise how so. I think this is really interesting
  13. I'd have to reiterate what was said on the last page. I myself bought some stuff from the Franks Autographs stall at the weekend. I spent a good 30-40 minutes chatting to them, as I really wanted to learn as much as I could about it all and they were really helpful and friendly too. I ended up buying enough of the sleeves for my collection, and they also sell wallets which fitted in the same box that were photoshoot size. I'd been using the PVC sleeves with the protected edges for the last year, but I knew they weren't the best solution, but I didn't realise how bad they were! Also, they aren't acid free, like a lot of people seem to assume (I know I did!) so people should be aware of that
  14. No problem, you're costumes were fantastic!
  15. I didn't have any pictures taken in C, but I'm actually kind of glad as I didn't like the look of the darker backdrop as much. Did anybody else find this?
  16. My Karen one is not as sharp as my other photos, but I think it would be a serious stretch to say it is blurry. As for my Christopher Lloyd one, I couldn't decide whether to do a pose in it or not, and actually only decided to go for it when I was two people away from the front of the queue, but I'm glad I did, as I think it came out great:
  17. And here are my photoshoots: Karen Gillan Richard Hatch Walter Koenig Christopher Lloyd Mark Sheppard Brent Spiner It was soooo awesome
  18. Here are some of mine, they can all be found on my facebook, the link for which is on my profile. If you see yourself and want to tag feel free Sylvester McCoy Sylvia Anderson
  19. Sylvia Anderson - "To Mike, F.A.B." Richard Hatch - "To Mike, So Say We All" Alex Kingston - "To Mike, Hello Sweetie!" Walter Koenig - "To Mike" Sylvester McCoy - "Mike Hi!" Mark Sheppard - "Mike, Best Wishes" Brent Spiner - "To Mike" Also got Christopher Lloyd and Karen Gillan autographs but obviously they aren't personalised. However, my best personalisation was on an autograph I picked up for a friend. He is a massive Highlander fan so was really jealous when he found out Christopher Lambert was attending. Anyway, he had actually proposed to his fiancé in Glenfinnan (like I said, massive fan) so I told Chris and got him to write "To Dave and Sarah, Congrats On The Wedding, All The Best" on the autograph. I saw him and gave him it this morning and he was over the moon
  20. There will be a selection of 8x10 pictures for you to choose from for free when you purchase the autograph
  21. I'd hope so, though Showmasters won't be able to guarantee anything as nothing is ever 100% certain. I'll be arriving about an hour after you and I 'was' feeling confident that I'd be fine. I arrived about 8am last year and had no problems meeting Shatner, and he was a massively popular guest too. Just be disciplined when you get in there, don't get distracted on your way to the VT queue by all the awesome shiny sci-fi stalls!
  22. I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally wish I was there this evening, but was restricted by my already booked trains to getting there tomorrow morning instead. Hope everyone has a great time tonight... but not too great, save the über-fun for tomorrow and Sunday so that I can partake SOOOO excited
  23. I've always found the talks to be great even if you just have a vague interest in something, not even any particular knowledge about the actor's background. It's a good rest from walking about as you get a sit down, and a lot of the guests have some really engaging stories to tell. I've sat at the back of talks where I've had minimal knowledge about the show the guest is from and still enjoyed them because you can often rely on the people who are big fans to bring out the stories from the guests. In other words, I wouldn't be that worried about overdoing it!
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