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Everything posted by SanGate

  1. Woah! What an announcement. This is AMAZING!!! I so hope I can go!! And that there will be tickets left when I know. WOW!!! Both Amanda and Robin. Wow
  2. This!! I think I can safely say this counts for me and my friend too
  3. YES!! Love the first one (everything with Vegas in it has to be just as awesome as the ep ) and the second one sounds like an awful lot of fun too
  4. Yes, it's okay to just come with the confirmation e-mail. If you want to know your number e-mail Yvie at info@collectormania.com with your order number, she'll get back to you. Ooh that's exactly what I was looking for I'll be buying my ticket today, but won't be home the week before when it will probably arrive (if it does at all booking so late), so it's good to know I can register with my confirmation email
  5. Yep, he's British A few weeks ago CazzBlade told me she saw him an ep of Ultimate Force, so I looked it up. Really nice role :) And he's always been in a football series Dream Team, but I haven't been able to retrieve that one from where I live. He's probably done more stuff in the UK though.
  6. Hi everyone! I'm Sandra, 22 (23 at the time of the con) and I'm from the Netherlands. It will be my second con after 7.2 last year After meeting Joe Flanigan I just had to come to this one to meet Michael Shanks :) I started watching SG1 when I was 10 and still love the series, as do I now love SGA and am liking SGU at the moment. Haven't bought a ticket yet. Still waiting for more guests to see which one to go for. If it's anywhere near as fun as at 7.2, it will a good one You're gonna have a great time :) And don't hesitate to pull people's sleeves. Everyone's very nice and helpful :)
  7. Yes he did Quite the flash appearance too, but no matter Hoping he'll be back He's also starring in a Woody Allen movie Still got all my fingers and toes crossed he'll make it to 7.5 And yes I will keep repeating my request
  8. Khalek and Daniel (Michael Shanks, not Michael the wraith) had this awesome vibe going on in Prototype, so I thought it would be great to see them together again Still rooting and hoping for him here
  9. YES!!! I was already impressed with his performance as Khalek, but after I found out he was the wraith in Vegas (which I LOVED), I became a real fan. He's done amazing stuff in other shows and movies, and his current series is very addictive and he really is very good in it :) So yeah, you'd absolutely make my year if he came And then together with Michael!!!
  10. Me too Or thirded, as they say
  11. I can still hardly believe Michael is going to this one Now all I need is my internship to cooperate and I'll be there oooh another Dutchie!! *waves*
  12. Joe Flanigan And I'm just throwing him in here again: Neil Jackson!! Already fangirling like crazy now Michael has been announced, so surprise me with the other guests
  13. SanGate

    Chevron 7.4

    LOL I noticed you replied when I came here to ask the same thing We will meet next week for real Edit: Ah thanks so much for that Too Tall!!! I'm surprised the sales aren't that good. From the large group that I went to 7.2 with (about 15 I reckon?) only 3 can't make it :S
  14. SanGate

    Chevron 7.4

    Me not so much how the signing goes, just surprised there are no group divisions like at 7.2 and 7.3 :) Or will they be announced at the event itself, as Kriss thought? :) Can't wait though!!!!! One week from now I'm in the air on my way to the UK
  15. Glad you got it all sorted out properly with Brian!! Kudos to all you organising peeps who took the time to talk to him and explain how things work and persuade him to come after all :) Can't wait now!!
  16. All I can say is: what is your typical scifi fan? If I tell people I'm going to a convention, the first look is a weird one of: are you a scifi-geek then? so I guess I don't look like one either apparently, whatever it may entail, as I can say for everyone I've met at 7.2. The people are more normal than you'd expect I'd say
  17. Thanks so much for that announcement Not so much that there won't be any more SGU guests, but that there will be more guests Because yes I worried a bit with it already being December
  18. I might be a doofus for saying this, but aren't Justin Louis and Louis Ferreira the same person? I get so confused with those two names, I'm never sure.. I'm still not sure about SGU guests. I haven't invested as much in them as I have in SG1 or SGA actors, so I'd still like guests from those shows, even though Louis Ferreira or RC wouldbe cool as I know them from other stuff.
  19. My wishlist: (even though I know some are unlikely) SG1: Michael Shanks Amanda Tapping Ben Browder (I'm not even mentioning RDA ) SGA: Paul McGillion Rachel Luttrell Neil Jackson Kavan Smith And of course Joe Flanigan, but since he was at 7.2 :)
  20. Makes absolute sense! I'll keep hoping then That one would be awesome!! They'd do three talks in one Indeed we can and should!!
  21. I'm getting so excited about this con Do hope we'll have some more cool guests though, preferrably SG1 or SGA, as I don't have big favs from SGU yet, aside from DB and BJS. Michael Shanks would be so awesome As would Connor :) But I guess as Michael was at 7.1 that the odds are slim? My very own personal wish is Neil Jackson. I don't think he's ever been to a con and would love to meet him :)
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