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About trekkiefan

  • Birthday 05/12/1985

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  1. Paid for talks I've been trying to get a clearer picture of which talks need to be paid for, the clearest I've seen is under the topic of 'Guest days & Prices' but even that seems incomplete. So far there are no paid for talks on the Saturday, but under the Diamond pass for William Shatner it says he has a 'paid' talk on Saturday but I cannot find it mentioned anywhere else, let alone for sale outside the diamond pass. With the event a month away I'm trying to plan my days and budget for what needs paying for, so would like to know soon.
  2. I would love a talk with him talking to the other captains about his current experiences filming the episodes comparing it to theirs back in the 60s, 90s ect
  3. there is a couple of places in the airport which is closer to the ibis, Burger King, Frankie and Bennys and a pub.
  4. I'm looking for a roommate to share with for the Friday and Saturday nights at the Novotel for £150.
  5. please note that most (all?) guests will be signing all day so don't worry too much about missing your VQ call out as you can go anytime after your VQ number is called.
  6. Looking at the wording of this event, it seems separate as it's not officially part of the Con. But I'm hoping it will be clarified
  7. it's nice to have one of the very first guests for Chevron to be attending the very last one
  8. 1.no ticket will come though the post, so printing it off is the best thing 2. photoshoots are called in batch numbers, so when your batch is called you can join the queue for your photo, they do not come signed but you do get it straight away so you can get it signed when the guest returns to their signing post 3. Most guests do sign fan work, but they have final say if they dont. 4 unless the guest is at photoshoots or lunch they should be signing all day
  9. lots of fan groups contacted media 10 about one but they said they weren't going to do one, then in the very last week changed their mind but didn't tell the groups who had already contacted them.
  10. I sent an email asking this when the event was first announced, all I got back was nothing is confirmed at the moment and they will keep me apprised
  11. I know how you feel mate Right then SM, I'm expecting Simon Pegg for Summer Con! This would be amaaaaazing! couldn't agree more Seriously doubt that would happen as he'll most likely be busy with the release of the new Star Trek film especially since he wrote it
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