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About daniel.humes

  • Birthday 04/29/1980

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Gaffer (5/23)



  1. Charming charming lady. I really recommend meeting her if you have the opportunity
  2. Is there a charge for getting books autographed? I'm sorry if this is answered elsewhere
  3. Joan Collins Claudia Christian Michael Shanks Amanda Tapping Mary Lynn Rajskub Nathan Fillion Ben Browder Matt Smith
  4. Far too many to list them all but a few off the top of my head that I know have done events that I've missed out on: Joe Flanigan Michael Shanks Ben Browder Claudia Black Mira Furlan Billie Piper
  5. I’m so excited this is happening. Nice to know I only have to travel up the road for something instead of the other end of the country. Can't wait for the first guest announcements
  6. I’m so excited this is happening. Nice to know I only have to travel up the road for something instead of the other end of the country. Can't wait for the first guest announcements
  7. Very sad news. Mary was a charming and friendly lady. She will be missed. My thoughts go out to her family and friends
  8. Very sad news indeed. She was a lovely lady and will be missed by convention attendees the world over. My condolences to her loved ones. R.I.P Caroline
  9. Not really sure how the tickets not being availble untill 10 is a fail seeings thats when they were supposed to be released anyway, just a bonus for those that managed before hand. Ive been on the site on and off for the last hour and it hasnt crashed once for me Not exactly a success is it? Just more unprofessionalism
  10. Site kept crashing and now not available until 10am. Another fail
  11. Sorry I don't want to cause an argument here, but would a carer accompanying a platinum ticket holder on a free carer ticket get priority seating ahead of gold ticket holders?
  12. I'm a fan. Never felt the need to brand myself or others. There are too many things I like to adopt a name for each
  13. I'll have to give this one a miss. I don't have a costume and am not likely to get one before October.
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