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gosh last won the day on June 2 2015

gosh had the most liked content!


About gosh

  • Birthday 01/13/1977

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  • Location
    south bank of the tyne

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Gaffer (5/23)



  1. have registered ,just wondering what we can take, back packs ,hockey bags ,suitcases what ever
  2. was thinking about the ones who register, can they take backpacks and larger bags
  3. We are aware that this may impact on those of you who are bringing costumes in the show which require larger bags. It will still be possible to bring large costume bags to the show but these will be subject to additional searches and most importantly you will need to register in advance to say that you intend to bring such an item. To register please complete the following simple form before 10pm on Friday evening (20th October) is there a place to put these larger bags ,or does this mean you can bring in a back pack.....
  4. will there be any pictures on the table from sense 8 his latest serie
  5. have the next one in two year as normal...makes it special.......gives us time to save up lol
  6. what was the much more With live entertainment, late night disco and much more, it's a great way to start your weekend.
  7. there must be loads of klingon images out there ..we had many mighty warriors there
  8. watch out for the targ it is hungry
  9. That man has a boot for a hand! Where's Bashir when you need him? i have been inform this is martok costume of the set.it great to see it
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