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Best Boy

Best Boy (4/23)



  1. If someone can help me out my facebook is https://www.facebook.com/Charlokylie :) Thank you!
  2. Dusting off my account after several years to say that I got accepted into crew for LFCCW! Yay! I'm rather excited especially as it's only ten minutes away for where I live. I honestly can't wait. I'd love to talk to other crew before I go though. Could anyone point me to the Facebook group or crew only part of the forum? Thanks!!
  3. Will the tickets be on sale from 9am or before?
  4. I assume there's no exceptions to the closing date? *hoping* If not, is it possible to buy early entry tickets on the day and is it the same price?
  5. Will we get an email confirming that they got our conformation email? Seems a silly question, I just don't wanna get it all wrong.
  6. Agreed, Matt and Rob were lovely but they should bring Kris and Dave too. Defiantly agreed Felicia will be hardest to get but she does enjoy the cons.
  7. Personally I LOVE her Tim Burton tattoo on her shoulder. "The Pin Cushion Queen" It looks really good. ^^
  8. So I figured might as well start with ideas even if it is a year away. I will hopefully be doing a custom costume, that is for once I actually manage to cosplay. Anyone else? Charlo Edit: Link to the main Cosplay section of the forum http://showmastersonline.com/forums/index.php?showforum=53
  9. Okay, So I realised that I never did this so here goes. Hey, My names Charlo/Charlie, I don't mind either way but most people use Charlo 'cos it's more unusual. I'm 16 from Reading. When I like a show or something I tend to end up knowing everything about it be I'm becoming more restrained about that. I'm good at using my inititive and can also be quite random sometimes. Hobbies? Umm, Ice Skating, Drawing, Story telling (apparently I have a talent for that?), I love music and always making new crazy plans. That pretty much it. Here's me with Jewel Staite. :S Either I'm quite short or she's really tall...... or both...... Charlo
  10. I can think of a definite twenty people off the top off my head who would come to meet her, including myself. ^^ Charlo
  11. I got "Much love" from Matt Lewis "pleased to meet you!" from David Nykl and "I love you too!" from Ben Browder I Love Ben Browder too. XD Charlo
  12. I had a great time. Met some really nice people and some great guests. Ben Browder said he loved me. Also was really nice to see Rob and Matt from Cyanide & Happiness there... even if they were late. Well done on the part of all the crew (hopefully I'll be one of you next time) and for the first time I saw Too Tall. You really live up to your name don't you? Anyway, fantastic day. Thank you to all. XD Charlo
  13. Did anyone have issues with the district line too? In specific at about half 5 when there tube wasn't running to paddington due to signal failure. We had to get the bus, I mean who needs signals?
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