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Everything posted by Celebgil

  1. I'd go with Gates McFadden for me as fave TNG person that I met, but I'd really love to meet Patrick Stewart (likely...not!) And Jonathan Frakes (also, not likely) and LeVar Burton.... Oh and can they finally get John DeLancie without him cancelling? just a short wish list.....
  2. I so want to go to C6! Star Wars and Star Trek! They have Chekov for goodness sake! but I bet I can't get a day off work...grrrrr PS I love LOTR too.....
  3. Combat gerbil scared me.....I really thought you sounded like Hugo Weaving as Smith...scary..... Oh and I accidentally made a small child (of indeterminate gender) cry...'it' wanted to know who I was so I explained thne kinda waved my sword and it ran off crying...oops....
  4. I've been to three Collectormanias and guests have always been happy to be met and photographed without being paid for before, I can't afford that many autos as I only get paid £14 a week.The only one I ever had trouble with before ray park was Paul McGann at C3. Never mind, but the rest of the w'end was pretty damn cool!
  5. I think it was probably penny johnson for me she seemed a little pissed off that I was seeing her for the time she was in ER even tho she was v.good in that and I'm a big ER fan. She looked like I was insane when I said I didn't watch 24! But worst bit of the day was spending an hour and a half queing for Ray Park and then not being allowed thru cos I had to buy an autograph to see him.It would have been nice to be informed before wasting my time!!!! and the SM pit boss bloke was v.arrogant when we complained and asked him to warn people first. That's the only bad experience with SM crew all weekend though, most were really nice and chatty!
  6. I saw you OJB guys! I was the Eowyn that was v.interested in your banana! btw, fabulous hat....
  7. I got a smudged auto, it stuck to a plastic wallet even tho I left it to dry for ages...grrrrr, but I'm just lining up the stuck bits to the plastic and framing it like that....
  8. I signed it! I have the dubious distinction of being the first to sign it!
  9. I found my forum buddy, @field, and was found by Sarowyn! Photos will be forthcoming as soon as they're back from the shop! Love ya all dudes1
  10. I was refugee eowyn on sat! I saw loads of you guys, pity I didn't talk to y'all, but hi to @field and rel anyway! Oh and for the record...jessops is scarier than woolworths, these camera enthusuiasts don't get out much....
  11. Memo to self...never wear a wig in public ever aghain..god It's hot! I was the refugee dress eowyn....Saturday only, couldn't endure another day! But it's cool the way you get people talking to you who probably wouldn't if you weren't dressed up! Oh and Hi to Rel! we talked quite a bit over the weekend!
  12. Hey! I founf @Field (hey man!), and was found by Sarowyn, accidentally....do I win?
  13. I had a great chat with him about football! He supports liverpool like me so we moaned about the current system together! can I keep him?
  14. See ya darlings! I'll be refugee Eowyn in a startling blonde wig!
  15. anyone at the youth hostel? *silence* oh, guess it's just us then...
  16. Directly opposite isn't it..the road's called midsummer boulevard or something and you have to go through a carpark to get to it...or at least wer had to..locals probably have a better system
  17. I'm finding you in the forum fun game, I'll catch you then sign it!
  18. @field dear, I'll be dressed as Eowyn in her blue and brown refugee dress....fairly easy to spot
  19. Thanks for putting me in luv! Right...now must find out what @field looks like.....
  20. I realy hope that they have Richard the IV pics from Blackadder for Brian Blessed! The man is a living god!
  21. Can I sign it? I don't know you and all, but it'd be cool to talk to a person with a bloody cricket bat
  22. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu vilya. That's 'may the valar protect you on your path under the sky!' Good luck SMs I'm sure It'll go great!
  23. Any chance of having a partner to find or am I really too late? *sniff*
  24. Erm...am I too late to play? anyway, Dom_inated will be with me and dressed as an elf so she shouldn't be too hard to find.....
  25. I'd think Gates, Brad and Joey Pants, most high profile and expensive to hire. Well that's my two cents anyway
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