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Everything posted by lord_azael

  1. lord_azael


    Ok, i have this book "Star War - The Essential Guide to CHarachters" and it says the obi wan kenobi and owen lars are brothers, is this true?!
  2. medichloirans were invented to annoy you! every time i watch the film i mute it EVERY time medichlorians are even mentioned. They are possibly the worst thing to happen to star wars, except making yoda computer animated and not a puppet....
  3. Harry is secretly Cyclops from X-men....lol. It will be an accident, Ron will cast a spell on him and he will have to wear weird glasses for the whole book until he fights voldemort. Voldemort and him will be face to face, probably Voldy will hold harry by the throat, the glasses come off.....BURN!
  4. You may have seen it before, but its still worth watching again if you have. http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=16613 Turn it up loud!
  5. no way would picard appear...but if he did!!!! That would be awesome!
  6. While wating in the line to meet Kate Mulgrew today, Frakes stood up and started yelling "Waahoo! Lucky we have Kate Mulgrew on the team! Woooooo!! Captain janeway!!! Yeah!! All we need now as Captain Picard, or as i call him OLD BALDY!!! OLD BALDY BALDY!!! Hahahaha!" It was great! anyone else see that! What a funny dude
  7. i think they are both equal. AT Gmex i wanted to meet: Data T'ealc Sisco Kryten but i could only afford 2. At CM i want to meet: Riker Janeway LaForge Kryten and this time i can afford it!
  8. it? do you mean skywalker? skywalker, last of the jedi...dont get me started...
  9. i think we did. and we do need an option for two, three or four. none the less, i'm going sat, mon and possibly sun
  10. star trek! star trek! star trek!
  11. actually i'm 15 and you are quite right, i did not fill out any census. I think i might have put Religion: Jedi once or twice on questionnaires before.
  12. i never did. this originally started out me asking why people want to pay £70 for his autograph, then turned into a Luke Skywalker arguement thread. And then i got to here. And do you know what the funniest thing is, the only reason i got for paying that much is that he was luke skywalker (which is why it changed to the skywalker discussion, because i said skywalker sucks)
  13. the flms aren't everything. just because you havn't seen it doesn't mean its not valid. the books release many great characters a million times better than those in the films. You should learn to accept them
  14. no, he is no different to all the jedi of the old republic. the cool jedi were all pre-republic as were the original sith
  15. stevie69, what do you think you are, some sort of jedi waving your hand around like that. And thanks for the tip rich5wolves, i think i will use the force now
  16. i dont have issues, i'm just a little crazy...and i dont think im a jedi...i know!
  17. then why post here. Just because i said i am the superior jedi, doen't make me an actor
  18. play? what are you talking about. i am no actor.
  19. if your wanting spells, here is a link to a list of every spell... http://www.mugglenet.com/info/other/spells.shtml
  20. recently, i got into an arguement about the suckishness of luke skywalker, so i want to know... from any star wars (book, movie, TV show) who is the best force sensitive being?
  21. your planning to dance!? are you mad! lol...this could prove most amusing
  22. yes they could, Lando Calrissian destroyed it in episode 6. Also, its not like he planned it. The rebels intercepted the plans, ackbar came up with the plan, he just carried it out. Also, Luke turned anakin, purely because he was not entirely evil. He could not bear to see his loved ones in pain, which is why he turned to the dark side in the first place, so he helped luke. On top of that, luke had to get owned by Palpatine before anakin cared. THEN he proved he only cared that his father had turned, because when he set up the jedi academy on yavin 4, he didnt realise his students were being turned, right under his nose by a 6000 year old sith lord. When he finally realised, he ended up being killed by the sith lord and the students got rid of him...sounds like he was a real good jedi. (NOT)
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