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Everything posted by Gemma89

  1. He very must come please because he is the 'cute blonde one I like', That is how my sister knew him for aaages when she would say "a new guest has been announced for ET!" and I would say "IS IT THE CUTE BLONDE ONE I LIKE AND/OR JACKSON?" Sorry... chocolate :)
  2. I am back at work today and really miss being at a convention right now!! Its horrible!
  3. Was he shy? I think it's cos he's only a baby (: I was going to suggest sitting on his lap, now now you've called him a baby it would just sound wrong!
  4. I am still friends with all my college friends. All one of them. haha. I've had a surreal evening watching Jeremy Kyle <33
  5. No midnight showing for me. My sister has a 'thing' about driving late because she WILL fall asleep. I will have to make do with whenever she can take me, as I live in the middle of nowhere.
  6. Jackson, Charlie, Tyson, Kellan, Alex, well, to be honest, any of them.
  7. I went a little bit Kellan crazy at the first one. Haha. I would LOVE for him to come back!
  8. He does actually NEED to come. If not to this one then a later one, or, you know, to my house or whatever suits him
  9. I reconised a couple of people and said hi. But the few drinks I had helped! And I mainly only know people from my sister, so I feel weird going upto people saying "you don't know me but I know you!"
  10. dakota's in taken??? The TV show about aliens, not the film about... whatever the film's about.
  11. Cameron on the 26th December, then Jamie on the 24th of January. FACT. Well... not fact, but...
  12. I was telling my sister how AWESOME it would be for her to come the other day. She could sign my Taken DVD!!! =DD But I doubt it would happen.
  13. I was 24 seconds. haha. I was watching everyone else get 48. about 90% got 48 and I only got half of that!!
  14. Mines really late in comparison to everyone elses, the 24th march, I can pretend it's earlier if needs be I'll be 18 for the 4th year in a row.
  15. Twitter Search Gemma Leeves on Facebook. MSN: that_old_black_magik@hotmail.com
  16. Name Gemma Age 20 Where you are from Sussex Been to ET1 or ET2 or Proms all of them Gold, Silver or Standard silver Hotel Hilton, I do believe Ticket Number not sure Looking for a roomie? not sure Hobbies sleeping, reading, writing, Music Taste freakin' everything man. Loves Tyson and Jackson. Hates my job. Pic laterrrr mebes
  17. I'm coming! I was ET. My name is Gemma. And I'm going to LFCC on my own so would love someone to meet up with in the day time as well! My msn is that_old_black_magik@hotmail.com
  18. I'll be 20 at the next one (very scary thought). I would love to meet up with some more people this time!
  19. This is not true! I would have liked there to be more guys there. If I had a boyfriend I would drag him along but sadly I do not so I cannot contribute.
  20. I can't believe Kristen's autograph went for £200. That's the only thing I wanted!! Except the meal, but I had to sit on my hands and stare at the floor for that one so I didn't "accidentally" bid on it. >.<
  21. Gold 50 and 51. I was going to go to the queue at 7:30 and wait, but I woke up a 7:45, stumbled into the Park just after eight and saw the queue. I so thought gold would sell out before I got to them, but nah, there were still 99 left after me!
  22. I have packed but I am not at all ready. I filled my bag... which is odd because I went away for a week and swear I packed less... and I'm sure I've forgotten something very important. Give me another week to sort myself out then maybe I'll be ready.
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