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Everything posted by sleepingdragons

  1. Kirst hun! You *know* I'll be there! I'm there Friday - Monday I think
  2. now that would be handy! =x= Yep probably better than dressing up from 6 and walking into the centre dressed up... wouldn't ya say gem?
  3. I'm there! *bounces* Gem also suggested to me that if people want to, they could pre order their books at collectormania =) Yay!
  4. ARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! this is the most fantastic news! I am *so* excited! *basks in Alan Cumming love*
  5. Lmao you have mine! I miss him... *sniff*
  6. Righto I am... .. uhhh loud?
  7. Aw Thomas! You're so sweet! It was great meeting you!
  8. Kate! Your ace! I loved working with you! So nice =D
  9. My uncle is a hypnotherapist... It's very relaxing and nice to be hypnotised... you'll like it =D In honesty, I have no idea if it works... I only had one for self confidence coz my uncle did it for me.
  10. Not that I'm aware of... But I love Geoff! *huggles him* I gave him a mini muffin because I didn't have any strawberry chuppa chups
  11. I had him and his friend Carl all to myself in the Green Room on saturday for about an hour and a half in total, they're both terrible flirts! LOL Royd really is stunning and because he likes to keep eye contact while he's talking to you, you just melt. However, Carl was the more charming (except for when he was trying to convince me that Royd had other 'persuasions' when he blatantly doesn't!) of the two and they really helped my weekend fly by. Oh, and if Maya is out there, you need to hate her 'cos she got to spend all day Sunday with them - bitch! I wish I could have stayed longer They were pretty funny (Royd and carl) from what I saw them for though...And everyone LOVED Royd - he's cute!!! Carl told me I looked pretty horny in my hat. Yes it is the same hat you're all thinking about, and no I don't see it either...
  12. 'IT' is looking like a teeny elijah... And Joggy apparently has IT!
  13. I can *kinda* see it now they've mentioned it... But I didn't see it when I met him. And Jog is pretty small...
  14. I met you too! My friend thought you looked like a teeny Elijah... But I don't think she told you that...
  15. She looked great. Pity more people did'nt have knowledge of A Clockwork Orange. You must have to be a certain age or a Kubrick fan. She was very attractive too as I remember. What do you mean?! I *love* a Clockwork Orange! Although I'm more a fan of the book than the film. Still miffed I didn't see your friend...
  16. http://uk.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/schmooz11...6&.dnm=20f9.jpg
  17. HELLO JOE! *pounces on and hugs!* Why aren't you online? *pokes and noses*
  18. Okay, ive not read this whole thread but come on! Billy *so* would have been mobbed. you saw the Hp guests being asked for autos right? I saw Matthew signing in the VIP bar. Which really got me angry. As far as Billy's other appearnces with fans, the dinner was rather more limited than *this* party, the cost for it being...what was it? £70? £80? for admission, which also makes it unlikely for anyone to want to screw it up by disregarding the rules. And I don't know how the TORN parties work... But I'm assuming they're rather limited too... I agree there are many there who would have loved just a chat, or just to know he was there. But unfortunatly theres a minority who have NO REGARD to the rules, and the bigger the party... the bigger that minority becomes, and so a bigger problem. Also with a guest as big as Billy, the chances of that minority becoming a problem increases.
  19. Lmao nicky! you met me several times in the night, and each time i had to re introduce you to gem (wiccawise21), and you asked us exactly the same things! twas rather funny...
  20. Signing off... See you all there! *grin*
  21. Yes it would be much more reassuring if they said 'amazingly, stupidly cheap bar' instead of 'reasonable' EXACTLY! wouldnt be stupid though, oh no! It would be for the bar's profits if i had *my* way!
  22. that might work! See! Pink Marshmellows *always* work! I may have to find some in MK and hand them out...
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