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Everything posted by tiggerbabe

  1. As your online at the min I hope you don't mind me asking a quick question?! My avatar has disappeared and I can't upload another one.. any idea to why the prob could be? Cheers, Alison
  2. Just another random poll!! lol Just to give everyone an idea of how busy the con will be, Which days will you be attending?? I might go up to have a look around the stalls on Friday while its quite, I will be attending on Sunday to see John Barrowman and Natalia Tena and may also go up on Monday before I go to work!!
  3. Just wondering really as I'm guessing Sunday will be a busy day with John Barrowman only attending the one day.
  4. MK9 3AU was the postcode for where I worked, which is one of the units near John Lewis/Middleton Hall in the Shopping centre, there is a free car park opposite on Silbury Boulevard, but it get full early!!
  5. I couldnt get into work! Living in a small village has its advantages!! My brother went out and built a snowmn, left it for 5 minutes and the local kids nicked it!!
  6. Maggie and Ian were both on open queue by 4pm.
  7. Friday - I'm working but will have a wander about during my lunch break Saturday - Probably about 7ish. Havent queued outside the centre:mk for a while!! Sunday - not sure if im attending, Maybe if I dont get my autos on Sat!
  8. I was at work in the shopping centre. Got a phone call to let us know what had happened and went into the entertainment department in John Lewis to watch it all unfold in the TV's.
  9. Yep, tickets have been booked for over a week! Can't wait!! Were going to the 8pm showing at cineworld.
  10. I'll buy them off of you if they are still available. I never got round to ordering them online. my email is alison_lavington@hotmail.com
  11. A mate of mine was accused of trying to steal 2 POSTCARDS! and all he was doing was trying to get round the other side of the stall where the stall holder was so he could pay!! She thought he was walking off with them and it wasn't like he was holding them out of sign or anything!
  12. I don't remember seeing her name on door 13 when i was waiting outside, so she will more likely be door 14 (costa) side, but can't been sure!
  13. Hi Mike, The doors to the shopping centre open at 9 (i think) tomorrow. All of the doors around middleton hall have had signs on them telling you where the guests are signing. You will need to queue up outside the door if you get there before opening and wait to be let in. Once in the centre, make your way to the guest(s) you wish to meet. All of the guests are situated in or around Middleton Hall. (some are along the sides of John Lewis). There will be a crew member at the end of each guest crew handing out virtual queue tickets. You will need to join the end of each individual queue for different guests. Once you have your tickets you can go off and wait fot the quests to arrive. Once your number is called you can join the small queue to meet them. The numbers tend to be called in blocks of about 50. ie 1-50, then 1-100, 1-150 etc. I hope thats sorts it out for you!! Have fun at the event
  14. Hi Jo, I'm a friend of Becky/nenyas! She doesn't get on the forum much anymore but I told her you had left this message. She asked me to give you her e-mail which is nenya_94@hotmail.com and that she will be at Collectormania all weekend. She will be working at the creche on Sat and Sun, but just attending the show Mon.
  15. Hi, I'm Alison aged 24. I live in a little village on the outskirts of Milton Keynes. I am the Deputy Manager at the creche in the shopping centre in MK. I've been there 6 years now and really enjoy it. I've been to collectormania since C2, first really got interested at C3 when Billy Boyd attended! Also been to GMEX and one of the LFCC. I enjoy travelling (not that i manage it much) I've pretty much explored the whole of Scotland! I also enjoy photography. I have way to many photo! I love LOTR and Harry Potter (films and books). Also really into Lost at the mo. Fave films are LOTR, HP, anything with Johnny Depp, Beaches, Titanic, Pirates of the Carribean. Cant think of any more right now! Don't tend to watch too much TV, spend more time on the net/forums/ebay! I spend most of my time in the centre:mk shopping centre either working, shopping, hanging out with friends or at collectormania events!!
  16. Places to eat in MK This above link shows all of the places in the area to eat. (if the link doesn't work its www.mkweb.co.uk/restaurants Bella pasta is just across the road from the centre:mk, in the theatre district.
  17. what sort of thing are you looking for? There is a wetherspoons close by which do nice lunches. Nando's is a favourite for lovers of chicken! There is a spanish tapas restaraunt, an american style grill restaurant, TGI Fridays, Bella pasta. Thats what I can think of off the top of my head!
  18. 2 roads down from Midsummer place.
  19. You'll probably be able to get them on ebay eventually if you keep an eye out!!
  20. I'm still collecting them, but i dont pay for them otherwise i'd have given up ages ago! I get them from the wholesaler as my parents own a newsagent, first of all we get them at a discounted price and secondly, the delivery charge everyone pays for their newspapers being delivered pays for them!!
  21. I voted all four days, but will only be at the show for 3. Not sure if im having Fri or Mon off work yet until the guest attendance details are final. Will be there every day as I work close to Middleton Hall and will be popping out on breaks etc!!
  22. Alnwick Castle is in Northuberland but it was used as the set for Hogwarts during the first two movies. 943786[/snapback] thats near scotland isnt it?? i swear it is... if not... i am so failing geography... 944439[/snapback] Yeah, its just on the Scottish boarder! "Alnwick Castle is situated 33 miles north of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and 80 miles south of Edinburgh" according to the website!
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