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Everything posted by AngelicFruitcake

  1. Yep definitely! Atm i live about 20 mins away and by feb i'll be living 5 mins from G-Mex, so i'm def going if only to oggle merchandise Hope we'll get some more good guests (e.g. Dom Monaghan.. who i have decided has an obligation to go seeing as its his home town/city )
  2. Dom would be a fab guest but I think he'll probably be filming Lost around C8 seeing as the new Series starts in America in October. Like 'The Host' said, i think it'd be more likely to get him for the April or June events (LFACC this time round woulda been perfect seeing as he finished filming lost weeks ago so is most likely sat on his bum doing nothing ). Oh well, despite all that, DOM FOR C8!
  3. *resurfacing this post from the depths of the abyss* (pardon the pun)
  4. Yay Hitchhikers guests please SM!
  5. Yay! The beginning of a Goonies reunion...? *hopes*
  6. Yes! Lost guests would be amazing please SM!
  7. It hit me as I was walking to the train station just after the LOTR talk finished way back on Saturday.. I wished I could have gone for longer than a day I saw that storm in Manchester too, it's lovely again now though :)
  8. Some of mine are here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/timtamque...150.html#cutid1 Those are the ones off my friend's digital camera.. I have yet to get my film developed :)
  9. I didn't have any major problems with the crew members over the weekend. They were all friendly and helpful, although i think sometimes they weren't all 100% what was going on .e.g the queueing system in the morning before the VQ tickets were given out. I asked a couple of crew members whether I was in the right queue for Sean Astin and they said they thought so but weren't sure. I don't think that was their fault though, more of a general thing that they should have been informed of beforehand i.e. there is going to be one big queue before tickets go on sale that will be for all guests on this panel, and then it'll split off for each of the guests. It seems obvious now that I must have been in the right queue, but at the time I needed reassurance I wasn't queueing in the wrong place and it wasn't given unfortunately. Apart from that slight problem though everyone else was nice and friendly etc, particularly the lady on the Sean Astin queue taking the tickets at the end of the day on Saturday. She was very helpful to me and my friend so if you read this, thankyou very much! :)
  10. I agree with you guys.. the talk was great but I wasn't that impressed with the venue. I know my photos will be pants, and we couldn't see very easily as we were about 5 rows from the back. The talks at film con were much better in as far as where they were held. Also, a few minutes longer would have been good I would've paid a bit extra for the tickets for it to have been longer. Say £20 for an hour and a half talk or something? I know the guests would have had long days and been tired, but I'm pretty sure JRD and Sean could have nattered on a bit longer yesterday And is it just me or did Sean seem a little bit hyper? lol, twas fab
  11. Zach Braff (Garden State/Scrubs) Goonies reunion would be ace too!
  12. It would be amazing if Johnny went to C7/LFAAC Doubt it would happen but i guess you never know...
  13. Cool idea!! MH people for C7! My friend saw two of the dudes from MH last week in the Starbucks where she works (can't remember which two it was tho doh!i'm so bad with names...). Told her she should have gone over and showed her geekdom to them but she's too shy damnit Apparrently they live near me though Kinda cool, 'cept i thought they might have been filming an episode near me or something, which would have been so much more exciting
  14. He's done SO much promo recently! He did a listening party last May (free) in which he met everyone afterwards, he performed at Manchester pride a few months ago (don't know if he was allowed to sign there so bad example lol), Manchester Apollo gig (pretty sure he signed), he switched on Blackpool lights... there's more than that but I can't remember... He was also on tv tons when he was touring here.. but most of them were performances on random stuff you wouldn't expect. I live up in Manchester and have met Darren about 8 times so i'm living proof you can meet him up north Keep your ear to the ground (and by that i mean the Unofficial Darren Hayes site and his fan club website..can't remember addies as i've not been on them in months but have a search on google and you'll find them) and you'll meet him no problem good luck :) I agree about the record label though, Sony suck ass. They have been sh*tty to Darren ever since the SG split, but alas it doesn't seem as though he's ever gonna change labels til they drop him.. (and i'm not just being mean by saying that because he almost did get dropped).
  15. Yay! Sean Bean for C7 please!
  16. Same here.. There are so many millions of people involved in the music industry that people want to meet. I think if SM go down the path of having music guests they need a whole new event rather than adding them on to C7 etc. Plus, it is p*ss easy to meet Darren Hayes without him doing a convention. He always stops and signs at practically every event he goes to, as I'm sure all you 'huge fans' know He is a sweetheart and signs almost every time. I don't think you'd get much more time with him at Collectormania than you would getting something signed outside a promo performance/concert performance. PLUS you wouldn't have to pay for the autograph! I know it seems that Darren needs promo, but he's been putting endless amounts of effort into making random performances and switching xmas lights on etc and it doesn't seem to be making him anymore popular. I don't know why, but the music industry in general has it in for Darren. It sucks, i know it does, but trying to get Darren to start going to film/comic convention things is not the answer I love Darren to bits (6 years of fandom and countless memories to prove it) but stay awayyyy from the guest list honey
  17. Zach Braff - Scrubs, director/writer/star of Garden State please Anyone else from Garden State would be really cool too (Natalie Portman, Peter Saarsgard etc) Ooh and anyone from The 4400
  18. Yay Zach! Glad there's lotsa other people who wanna see him C'mon SM, get Zach Braff for us pleaaassee
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