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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Thanks for saying hi and all the intros to the OJB!! And for putting up briefly with someone who seemed to have temporarily lost her brain!! :P its all good, sorry we didnt chat longer! are you going to lfcc or c8?? Ah that's ok, could see you and the "gals" were excited and busy I'm hoping to get to either LFCC or C8 - if there's guests I wanna see (ie Stargate related)
  2. Thanks for saying hi and all the intros to the OJB!! And for putting up briefly with someone who seemed to have temporarily lost her brain!! :lol:
  3. Wendy


    *bounces in* corin on MY phone :D:D i dont know when he was asking about his car but it wasnt then LOL he was chatting to ann love him *bounces out* So the phone is now vacuum sealed in a little case with the label "Corin used this phone" under it huh?
  4. Ah its so nice to know that some things never change I did think in a couple of photos I've seen that he looked a little .... mmmm bevvied
  5. Oh he was friendly ........ and yet I was still gobsmacked!!! I think maybe I should've composed myself before my friend drag us off to see him!!!! Hehe it was almost a classic Jonas line ... "first time .... meeting a Stargate cast member!!!" How glad am I that I "just so happen" to be watching Season 6
  6. *jumps up and down n waves hands franticlly* welcome hun, enjoy. She only moderately likes Joe as you can see... Yes indeed .... true obsession clearly calls for cartwheels
  7. Ah but that's just it, I had all this stuff about our "Jonas for Atlantis" campaign to say to him, but I saw him and I was like "ba ... tha .... ga ......" It was enough to get my name out when he asked if I wanted my photo "personalised". I need the safety of a big group Dude say the word, for heavensakes I had to lead the way everytime I saw him coz everyone else was too scared...well the banana's weren't but everyone else I went to see him with were lol! Most definitely!!! Though Im usually the shy quiet one hanging at the back. Im not always like this around celeb types (believe me, you should see me at my regular con!!!) just ...... "eeek first time with a gater ..."
  8. Ah but that's just it, I had all this stuff about our "Jonas for Atlantis" campaign to say to him, but I saw him and I was like "ba ... tha .... ga ......" It was enough to get my name out when he asked if I wanted my photo "personalised". I need the safety of a big group
  9. He is certainly the sweetest .... but hearing all these recollections Im starting to feel like a pyrahia (sp?) maybe it was cos I could barely speak to him
  10. Well Vicky done the intros a lil quite for my confused brain to cope with!!! :P
  11. Well yeah, Memorabilia is basically the same kind of set up (guests signing autos/photos, merchandise stalls etc).
  12. Oooh I met you too then .... sorry I was terribly shy, tongue tied and star struck at the time .... but "hi" again anyway
  13. I feel so cheated ............ I was so tongue tied I barely got to talk to him at all when I met him (during the autographs etc) .... damn my shyness!!!!
  14. Wendy


    Glad to see the photo came out so well (despite my offering to be official photographer ... ) Now that's just one happy snap
  15. Yeah I went for the first time on Friday and wanted to thank all the crew for doing a great job. Thanks to Sarah for talking to me and my friend when she was horrendously busy with queue tickets and to Ally for putting up with us "stalking" Corin And also a big thank you to Corin (ok the only guest we went to see) for being so friendly, waving and smiling all the time
  16. Oh yes, very handy for my house, I had to get two trains and a tube across London. It took me over 3 hours from door to door to get there - so I'd hardly call that handy at all!!! Ok so Birmingham (on the train) would only be another hour, but when you don't have the luxury of being able to stay long (because of family commitments) that extra hour makes all the difference (as does the increased fare). And the fact that if it was in the NEC there would be an additional entry charge (usually £10/£15 which might outprice it for some people).
  17. Oh no, don't move it that far up!! That puts it out of the reach for so many people. MK is so nicely central. I often can't get to Memorabilia at NEC cos of the distance (only usually having a day in which to go).
  18. Wendy


    I saw him yesterday, such a sweet guy - kept waving as we were "loitering" around his queuing area.
  19. Oooh you must have been standing right by me when you took that Corin one - cos I have practically the same one. The friend I was with and me had just asked him to remove his cap, and asked why he wouldnt!!
  20. First time at Collectormania and thought it was great. Went Friday so it was nice and quiet - was surprised how easy it all was to work your way around etc. Only met Corin, but he was lovely, even taking a pic of him and me himself cos my friends hands wouldnt stop shaking long enough for her to take it!!! I could've spent a fortune on those stalls - thank heaven for will power!!!!
  21. Yeah I saw some people stood talking to him for ages, cos there was no one else around. I was worried about the same thing for the Friday, but was told it'd be ok
  22. Wendy


    You guys were so recognisable at CM7!!! Very friendly and as mad as hatters!!! Good to meet you all
  23. Is there no way that some of these "more asked questions" can be incorporated into a "Pinned" topic - so people don't have to complain etc etc and also for people who only have a few spare minutes to browse the forums.
  24. *Looks at pile of £20 notes and realises her mistake and goes to hunt out some smaller notes!!!!*
  25. *Doh!!* of course! Doesn't help me with the cost issue though I'm afraid!!!
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