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Everything posted by Em_Power

  1. I can't see Amanda Tapping up on the timetable now , has she cancelled?
  2. Thanks so much for letting us know. I'll be attending another con on those rescheduled dates sadly...how do I go about applying for a digital voucher?
  3. A long shot but Mark Calaway (Undertaker)...pretty please?
  4. Thanks so much Raylenth How can anyone forget Sylvester...
  5. I can't see Sylvester listed for any days when trying to buy a photoshoot. Anybody else having this same issue?
  6. Any of the following please! Winona Ryder Sarah Michelle Gellar Gillian Anderson David Tenant Peter Davison Armin Shimerman Brent Spiner David Boreanaz Seth Green James Marsters Eliza Dushku Anthony Stewart Head Michael Keaton Ron Pearlman Nana Visitor Avery Brooks Lance Henrikson Juliet Landau Robia LaMorte Charisma Carpenter Thank you!
  7. Thank you!! Can't wait to meet him, I love me some John Crichton
  8. Thanks so much! It was a nice change from the crowds at LFCC! Had a great time, I hope you enjoyed the day :)
  9. Thanks for being so helpful Raylenth So long as it's not LFCC type big I'm sure we'll able to find it somehow!
  10. This may be a silly question but this is my first time attending the film fair! Will there just be one photoshoot studio or multiple studios? Is there any way to find out where the studio/s will be at The Congress Centre? Not really familiar with the venue Thanks!
  11. I keep missing Tom Baker and I would LOVE to finally meet him. Kevin Conroy Gillian Anderson Mitch Pileggi David Suchet Anthony Stewart Head Seth Green Patrick Stewart Armin Shimmerman Martin Freeman Jonathan Frakes Brent Spiner David Tennant Matt Smith Sarah Michelle Gellar David Boreanaz Please and thank you
  12. It also doesn't help if you don't read anything properly!
  13. This may be a silly question but I'm just about to purchase a photoshoot with Colin for Saturday 27th however under the 'Saturday Photoshoots' options it says July 28th next to it? Might just be a typo but I just wanted to check if that came up for anyone else! Thanks
  14. Thanks anyway wjbleming Hopefully they'll be up very soon now
  15. Just wondering if there's any further news re digital photos?
  16. Lance Henriksen was an absolute gent. So so friendly and gave high fives to everyone queuing before our photos were taken. He asked if he could put his arm round me then jokingly said to the photographer that he didn't think he had taken the picture properly - basically just so we could have another photo! Lovely to hug as well. Would love to meet him again if he ever comes back to LFCC
  17. Would love any of the below please Sarah Michelle Gellar David Boreanaz Nicholas Brendon Anthony Stewart Head Seth Green Patrick Stewart Brent Spiner Jonathan Frakes Gates McFadden Michael Dorn Levar Burton Lance Henriksen Ben Browder Claudia Black Gillian Anderson Mitch Pileggi Melissa Joan Hart Tom Baker David Tennant Armin Shimmerman Eliza Dushku Mark Calaway Sylvester Stallone Arnold Schwarzenegger
  18. I was in one of the last batches I think so by that time, he seemed a little less enthused but he gave me a smile and was giving other ladies hugs :) I found him really nice, just perhaps a little quieter than some other guests. Hope you enjoy seeing him tomorrow :)
  19. Aww thank you! I scrolled past yours earlier in the thread - great pics
  20. Really happy to have met Fox Mulder today! Such a nice guy :)
  21. Thank you both! :) This would be my plan for Saturday: 3:00pm - David Duchovny (Area B ) - Batch 4 3:30pm - Lance Henriksen (Area F ) - Batch 1 4:00pm - Peter Capaldi (Area B ) - Batch 6 Do you think I'll have enough time to rush off after David's shoot to Lance then back again for Peter Capaldi? I feel sorry for any poor crew members that I inevitably latch onto and keep asking them the same questions I'm asking you guys!
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