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Everything posted by cropsy2008

  1. Hoping for a horror guest announcement today as its friday the 13th
  2. Thanks, is that £6 too? seems cheap. Might just go on the friday as well as it leaves more time to soak it all in on the saturday, sometimes i can be so busy running around doing everything it can fly by. Last year i barely got any time to look through the dealer stalls.
  3. Yeah same, even in the heat, the stamp never completely comes off for me I always get people asking if I've bruised my hand haha Thanks for the advice. I think to be safe i will adopt this stance while i shower so as not to rub off the stamp
  4. regarding the hand stamping for re entry. I've done this alot in previous years when i have gone for a pub lunch around dinner time, however this year my hotel is right next to the venue and after my dinner i was thinking of going back to my hotel and having a shower and a change as i can feel quite grimy after a few hours at these events. What if the stamp washed off? would it be possible to stamp my ticket stub or any other way anyone can think of or am i gonna have to tie a carrier bag round my lower arm lol.
  5. Can you pay at the door on friday? i've already bought and recieved saturday tickets but will be in London from the wednesday. If i and a few others fancy going on friday at the last minute can we just rock up at the door and get in?
  6. Pretty much any hobby i have these days is paid for buy the money i save since i quit smoking over 4 years back. No one has to justify what they spend their money on though.
  7. Seen as though its Friday the 13th tomorrow what are the chances of a friday 13th guest or at least a horror guest. Fingers Xd.
  8. I've never got a steelbook signed yet, does the sig stay on or is it prone to being rubbed off? Love that AWiL steely, one of my faves too.
  9. You've got to show some now that collection sounds epic.
  10. I thought that too until I watched the Synapse release; It is vastly superior to Arrow's (c-ock-up) release. Aside from some slight compression issues on D2 i think the Arrow release is pretty good. Not seen the Synapse versions though.
  11. The Arrow editions are great for Demons 1&2. While i rate Synapse(got Countess Dracula the other day) the steelbooks are ridiculously priced.
  12. Cheers mate. Props for being a horror novelist, too cool. Might have to give it a read late summer.
  13. Some old Hammer stars would be great. Madeline Smith Shane Briant Caroline Munro
  14. A "The Blob" 1988 reunion would be great and all the guests would have fans from other franchises as well so it would make sense. Frank Darabont Chuck Russell Kevin Dillon Shawnee Smith Jeffrey Demunn Candy Clark
  15. Thinking about it i can imagine it would as no doubt the area would be crowed with onlookers so i do understand why they do it, but the guests must miss out on impulse buyers. Catch 22.
  16. Never really understand why they box off guests unless sm don't want you to look at them for free I always get autos on impulse as well and have never got a boxed guest on impulse, it was only when i saw others photos that i wished i had got Norman Reedus, if i would have saw him im sure i would of impulse bought. Out of sight out of mind i suppose.
  17. I was worried that there would be no one horror for me for quite awhile but then George Romero was announced, so you never know who they will announce. I hope you get a great guest announcement Wolverniel. We are all like minded people on here at the end of the day.
  18. For nigh on 20 years i've been collecting horror merchandise and i thought i'd show some of it to my fellow horror fans on here, i don't have too much signed stuff so i thought i'd start a seperate non signed thread for it. I would love to see what others have as well so please post yours if you like. I will update this every now and again with different images and videos of my stuff inc posters, figures, blu rays etc. I've a spare room full of the stuff http://youtu.be/V5wFejwwcBc
  19. Group A, Wicker Man for me, great film. Martyrs. Hard to watch in parts but i like it. Group B, Brain Dead. The Beyond, Fulci classic. Group C, Dracula, Hammer rules. Cold Prey. Group D, Rec, Modern classic imo. Wolf Creek.
  20. At the moment its just 3 PS and 4/5 autos but as always as i see certain guests sat at thier tables i always end up getting more.
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