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Dannycarroll2007 last won the day on October 11 2014

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About Dannycarroll2007

  • Birthday May 30

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  1. That's pretty much how most diamond guests go. Last year it was MJF and the year before Stan. You get 5 seconds at the most with a photo, you get a bit longer with a auto.
  2. This Con was perfect😎 The helpers were great, the guests were spot on. I don't think you guys get the pat on the back you deserve sometimes, there were a few little hiccups but that's all part of the experience Last year my main complaint was I left Olympia with £350 in my pocket because of the chaos, this year budget got hammered plus 2 trips to the cash points so I'm stocked up on t shirts and fudge this year😃
  3. Go one at Fulham Broadway tube station
  4. I think it's because most belts are the cheap copies that are then put on ebay for massive money.
  5. If you're driving over from the Midlands avoid the M11 on the 28th. There's an airshow on at Duxford and it'll cause chaos (always does). M25 and up the A12 or all the way on the A14 and down the A12. It's busy most of the day because it opens at 8 but the show doesn't start till 1.
  6. This goes out to all the fallen brothers, If only I'd realised they were the droids we were looking for.
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