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  1. Sweet! Need an auto to complete my Firefly collection.
  2. The only con for me was the screening room. I think the concept is great but the sound was so quiet you couldn't hear it unless you were in the front row, especially with the sound from one of the stalls and the stage. The rest of the event I really enjoyed and as I wasn't able to stay for Sunday only missed one autograph. The other thing to highlight was how uncomfortable the chairs were at the DS9 premiere, after an hour I was very uncomfortable and kept changing position and couldn't sit still.
  3. They weren’t doing that offer on the Friday it was just £3 per photo.
  4. Hi does anyone know of an online store where you can buy photos which I could use for autographs, rather than buy them on the day and get a bigger range of options? thanks
  5. Hi Does anyone have the app and use it to buy their comics? Wondering whether it is worth getting it. Thanks
  6. I used to have a light which was similar to Voyager's warp core which unfortunately broke. Does anyone have anything similar or know where I could get one?
  7. Hello Does anyone have an email address for Showmasters as I can't find one. Thanks
  8. Is there any sort of chill out zone, I couldn't see anything on the floor plans?
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