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Everything posted by natedammit

  1. Turns out it's not a 2, it's a Z. WBAZ. We Bought a Zoo. I watched We Bought a Zoo. It was better than GOTG2. I've no idea about TROUS though.
  2. I like Drax. I hate Rocket. Star-Lord, the green one and her blue sister don't interest me at all. Kurt Russell was pointless. The yellow slug lady was funny. I enjoy the fact that Kurt from Gilmore Girls is in it. The storylines of both are guff (which is fine, it's not a storyline kind of film). They're not rubbish films - they just do nothing for me (and I like all the other Marvel franchises). I liked Into the Woods, just let down a bit by the fact that hiring an actor who can sing is fine for Pitch Perfect or a Disney animation, but this was a proper musical and I thought they were lacking (especially Emily Blunt unfortunately). I thought the kids were good in it though.
  3. Umm...How many do you think I have?! I am anatomically correct, thank you very much!! No, I have seen that actually, it's just you showing pictures of your favourite arses (male and female). You hold up a picture, smile and say "brilliant". Over and over again. For four hours.
  4. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - This franchise just isn't for me I guess. Just like the first one I got bored, but I did prefer the ending what with the emotion and all. Kong: Skull Island - I liked some bits, but mostly kinda rubbish. Lego Batman - Nowhere near as enjoyable as the first, but fine. Into the Woods - I enjoyed it on the whole, but just because actors can carry a tune it doesn't mean they can emote through song (I'm looking at you Kendrick, Blunt and Corden). Beauty and the Beast - Emma Watson is a terrible actress. Just awful. The beast looked more realistic in the original animation. A disappointing film all round. I also watched films with the initials 'WBA 2' and 'TROUS' but I can't remember what they were. Any ideas?
  5. Since when has being good been necessary to win an Oscar?
  6. A hamster lying on its back with its legs in the air. He's not even an Alpha Hamster.
  7. Not the way I say it. Btw, just looking at who voted for each category I'm pretty sure that if you put the 'Nerds', 'Geeks' and 'Neithers' in an Anchorman style fight - the Neithers would whoop all your posteriors.
  8. Really? She's living proof that people can be really smart and really dumb at the same time.
  9. natedammit


    It's nice of you to think of me. I'll take it.
  10. natedammit


    That's amazing!!! How on earth did you make such a big 2p coin?
  11. If it helps, I have absolutely no clue.
  12. When they know it, they'll post it.
  13. You're very welcome. (PS, do you mind if I show this to Santa to help sway my naughty/nice ratio for this year?)
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