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  1. I'm waiting on mine too, still have a preorder from Collectormania outstanding as well so those don't seem to have completely gone out either.
  2. Great announcement!! Really happy with this. Haven’t seen Matthew for ages.
  3. Alex Kingston Karen Gillan David Ramsey Celina Jade Chad Coleman Deobia Oparei
  4. I had a Friday one booked with him that I intended to use on Sunday but that got cancelled too. Will all unused photos with him automatically be refunded.
  5. I found her to be really nice, she is busy so you don't get long which is no different to other big guests. We exchanged pleasantries, she looked up and smiled etc which is more than some have done in the past.
  6. Sorry if this has been asked already, I made it through several pages of comments and opted to just ask my question. As a gold pass holder can I/do I queue in the GP queue get my wristband (assuming its the same system as previous years) then walk around to the other side of the building. Show my band and go to the collection area before returning to the GP queue. I know we get let in a little bit earlier but I would like to have this all sorted so I can use that time to actually get to where I want to be. I had hoped to be able to make it down today but its not going to work for me now.
  7. That's not great for me. I've got all the diamond passes and doubt I will make all of the talks anyway as some clash with photo shoots that only occur once in the day (I need to double check following the schedule update). Could these be an either the diamond talk or a photo (accepting the options are limited). It would also help if for photos you could just hand in the voucher. Exchanging for a photo ticket wasn't a great experience last year.
  8. Great announcement - will definitely be meeting him. Would be interested in a duo photoshoot with Kristian as has been suggested by others.
  9. Excellent announcement was hoping she would do a con. Looking forward to meeting her. She was great in GoT.
  10. My thoughts are similar to a few others I suspect, these would be good guests to get back although not all fit the clues Nathan Fillion Simon Pegg Elijah Wood Karen Gillan Andy Serkis Alex Kingston Christopher Lambert Linda Hamilton Alan Tudyk Has Morena Baccarin been before? Assuming so.
  11. Roxann Dawson for me and manage to get Whoopi Goldberg over (if Wil is coming I'm not giving up hope) and this event will complete all my big wants from the star trek tv shows. Would be good to have someone from the new films if we are really lucky
  12. Wow did not see this one coming one of my most wanted guests. Was unsure about this event but now I will have to go, not likely to get the chance again any time soon.
  13. Great announcement had hoped she would do an event
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