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Everything posted by thewizard

  1. You wont know till you get there and see how it is. If luck is on your side, then your VT ticket will allow you to get in line while he is at his photoshoots, try and be one of the first he sees when he gets back, ask him how it went,how he is doing, if he is enjoying the UK, if it's not a cattle line and you're allowed to breath the same air as him and hand him your item, tell him you're a fan of him and whatever it is you are handing him to sign. Don't be scared to talk to the guests. They might be so stressed that they don't look up at you or engage with you but that's not your fault. Everyone has different experiences with guests and the unfortunate thing is you will never know until you see them yourself. No one really knows until the days although Friday is usually the best time to catch any guest, especially if you are willing to stick around till the end.
  2. What happened to polaroid cameras?
  3. If you want to chat to a guest, the best times to do it are if you are one of the first 10-15 in the que, or if they are away for a photo session, they usually take their time getting settled at the table so when they leave for the photo session, get yourself in line so you're either the first or one of the first in line when they get back. These are also the best times to get photos at the desk. Also if it's an open que hang around. I love hanging around certain guests and seeing fans get emotional and hearing all the stories they like to tell lol. You need to pick your moments at these shows to maximise your minutes and get the most out of it as you can. It is a shame that dealers can't get their own time to get stuff signed but again.......that to me is a dream if I'm the person behind the dealer because it means I can stand next to the dealer and listen in on the conversations, because it's not like a fan talking and the big speech about how much they love them and my life is complete now that i've met you etc, it's just two people having a conversation so although I agree that it was probably too much, if you're in that que it wont bother you. And that's the real reason why people come on forums and complain rather than speaking to those people in person. The reason nothing was said to those dealers/fans is because for everybody behind that person, they know they're going to meet them anyway, their chance of getting something signed isn't in jeapordy. If you're behind people getting multiple things signed, embrace it and be a part of it. See what they're getting signed, maybe they have a cool photo or item you didn't know existed.
  4. You should have bought a picture of the moon lol. Or Game Of Thrones. Oh the stories we could tell from the good old days. It's all money nowadays and unfortunately that means TV shows, those of us are that are fans of film are not around in large numbers anymore. You should have still met them though and got a Shining poster or something signed, I'm sure some stalls would have had those.I would have even asked them if they had any photos from the shoot that they could maybe bring along next time, maybe some behind the scenes ones because we would all love to see them. I think they will do another show, hopefully Glasgow at some point. Then there is the Stanley Kubrick archive in London which has literally hundreds of photos from the shoot but theyre not all available to the public. I'm not sure if they allow photocopies or anything but I things like that are worth a try. If it's professionally shot photos you want Stanley sent the same press photos out worldwide, that is why you keep seeing the same 8 photos over and over, the only difference being some are in black and white.
  5. I'm sure on the day dealers will have stills from the movie but unfortunately the stills for this movie are few and far between as Stanley personally selected the ones to be given to the press and also why the lobby card sets are easy to pick up, over the years though a lot of behind the scenes photos have been released but I've not really seen any with the twins. Online you can get hi res screen captures but I'm not sure about actual photos. I did find this though that is a bit different. It's not as hq as you might want but if it was unique enough then if you email him he might have higher quality ones available. http://www.theoverlookhotel.com/post/52463899168/the-shining-trading-cards-1980-artist-rian'>http://www.theoverlookhotel.com/post/52463899168/the-shining-trading-cards-1980-artist-rian Might be best looking through the archive on here as it is updated regularly with new things. http://www.theoverlookhotel.com/
  6. Incorrect. Regardless of what you think the autograph sessions are designed to be that and are advertised as such, http://www.londonfil....com/autographs They are not advertised as a meet/greet/chat, although that is a bonus of the process if there is time to have a quick question answered etc. However people are their to get autographs and if it is busy then the procedure needs to be kept as quick and efficient as possible to allow as many people as possible through in the available time. They also aren't advertised as signature only, move along asap and get out the way as quickly as you can. I can understand a company saying those things but fans? Fans telling other fans to think about other fans and don't hold the que up? Come on. It's never gonna work. No person over the age of 18 that pays rent or a mortgage or has responsibilites is going to be going to a signing to stand in line like a school boy and be told to move along once he has paid for his 'signature'. It will never happen and in the 7 years I've been attending shows in the UK I've never seen a member of staff tell me to move along and i'm not there chatting for long. I did get some extra doodles from Robert Englund last year and spent 15 minutes with him while there was a huge que behind me but that is Robert Englund, he likes to chat, everyone had fun, I even let the people behind me join in on the conversation at one point, no big deal, everyone was happy. No angry words were said. I know that is not going to happen all the time because guests are just regular people and everyone has good and bad days but I don't see any issue with chatting to guests. And that's why Virtual Tickets are really there. Because there would be chaos with the bigger guests. If everyone was really there just for a signature there would be no need for them but Showmasters knows the real reason why people buy tickets to shows. The real reason is people go to meet their favourite stars and without those Virtual Tickets and staff manning the que you would have people standing there all day chatting. The people that go purely for a signature and have no interest in the guest signing their item are very much in the minority
  7. No one can possibly enjoy themselves at a show with the way things are a lot of the time, the whole point is for fans to meet the people they want to meet, the autograph is an added bonus. I'm just not wanting them to go there and get herded in and feel like they need to move along just because there is a que behind them. It's London. London is always busy for no other reason than it is London. Most will be open ques anyway so they should absolutely ask for photos at the desk and chat to the guests, never mind who's behind you especially if you have an early bird ticket. People only think of themselves anyway and most are there just for signatures, they don't care about the guests so why hurry along just to help them out. At conventions you need to put yourself first. That's why there is early bird tickets. It's not like we're all friends and we all love and care about each other and we can all go in together at 10am holding hands and everyone will be friendly and we can all meet everyone. The reason you buy the early bird ticket is because the people walking in at 10am are gonna push you out every chance they get, they will put themselves first so you need to make sure you get in there early and put your own self first and make sure you get to meet the stars you want to meet. It's like everything else in life, if you're not fast your last and nice guys always finish last. People will walk all over you at a convention if you let them, they'll gladly take your place in a line, especially in London and you can't allow it to happen. As far as the pen thing goes, if you want a certain colour then you need to take your own one just incase and that is definately a conversation starter. You want it to look good or if you are meeting different cast members from a show you could have them do different colours. I noticed some people using bright green paint pens and pink pens recently and they look very good on 8x10 portraits.
  8. I've said it before, this country is built on TV. This must be one of very few English speaking countries that actually have soap operas on TV 5 nights a week. It's no surprise that a lot of the big conventions in this country are based on TV shows whereas elsewhere in the world where horror conventions do exist and do make plenty of money the focus is on movies and very little else. It's always been said that it wouldn't work in this country and really it's not meant to work.It would work but it would never be treated seriously or looked at in the same way as the other shows and it's purely down to this country and the way it works. Someone from Doctor Who would be worshipped over a George Romero or a Christopher Lee but it's just perception. That's why you get arguments over big guests on the forum, someone might be a big guest to a lot of people but a small guest to others. I looked at the guest list for LFCC this year and I can count on 1 hand the number of people I know so right now I'm not going because I don't really know anybody but there will be plenty of people that know every single name on the list and know every show and character, they know everything and they spend a fortune. That's who the shows are aimed at. People like us we just take what we can get although I know in America there is a big backlash going on over there with how things are run there so the fanmail business is booming again and it's amazing to see so many big stars, big stars to me..........take that John Barrowman *waves fist* lol. If it's just an autograph that you want and you think there will be no chance of a star coming over or getting invited that is one way to do it.
  9. Since the OP is Glaswegian i feel obligated to givemy opinion. You need to pay for most things but the thing to remember about virtual tickets is that they are only given out for the busiest of guests, most will have open ques but you can see from the guest list the ones that will definately be giving out virtual tickets and if you really want to meet those ones then it's best to get there as early as you can even if you have an early bird ticket. The quicker you get in the quicker you can get your ticket and relax and just wait till your turn comes. That sounds bad doesn't it? Wait your turn lol but really it's a big group of numbers. If this is your first convention the main thing to remember is enjoy yourself. A lot of people only go for the autographs and it's like herding cattle, in out in out in out but don't feel pressured on the day. The whole point of going is to meet the people you want to meet so talk to them. Most wont have virtual tickets, they will be open ques so take a camera and ask for a picture at the desk, you don't pay for them and don't feel as if you need to hurry up and move along because the person behind you is there for the same reason you are. Some people are shy or get nervous and that's their reason for not saying much but don't leave the event having regrets. The way I always approach an event or a signing if it's someone I haven't met before, I'm meeting this person for the first and last time so everything that needs to be said I should say it.
  10. Horror cons only work in America and Europe, they dont work in the UK! lol. Or so many seem to think. Maybe one day we will get a horror con. I think the convention will be a success and that's one thing about these show specific events that I like and should be implemented. The actors from these shows should only be at these shows and that means for the other events like London, Glasgow, Newcastle there can be more of a wider range of people.
  11. George would. His time is running out too unfortunately due to his age but he's still very active in the States. It's just like Stan Lee this year, this will most likely be the only time people will have a chance to meet him and like a lot of others, he is getting older and wont be able to do many more so anyone meeting Stan Lee this year should do so in the mindset of 'this is my first and last time meeting this person so say everything you need to say now'.That's the way a lot of conventions are now, very few repeaters, you need to treat all first time guests as a one time only thing. Of course those of us that want a horror convention in the UK want it because they are very succesful in America and run all year round and the kind of guests we want aren't beyond reach at all. They do these things all year round anyway over there and it's good that every so often, not too often though! Showmasters plucks one or two at a time and brings them over.
  12. This country revolves around TV. Even without the conventions, people love their TV, they can't live without it. That's why a David Tennant will always be more highly regarded than someone who's a household name all over the world and has worked with world class actors and directors. It's true. Even if Showmasters brought over Wes Craven and sat him beside Robert Englund or Christopher Lee or any other really big name who has done tons of work but will be remembered for their horror stuff, they wouldn't get half as much attention by people on the forum than say someone from Harry Potter but on the day, the ques tell a different story as always. That's why we should support any big horror guests Showmasters bring over because you should always treat it like a one time only deal. It's your first time meeting them but you should also treat it as your last time meeting them because horror is not a huge priority but you can always meet John Barrowman! He'll be doing signings till he's dead. Unfortunately with some of the more wellm known names like Wes and Christopher and even Robert, they're all so much older and time is running out. There is no regularity. Even those a little younger like Bruce Campbell are getting big bucks doing their current jobs that they're not guaranteed compared to 5-10 years ago when he was on the circuit most of the year in the States and you could pick and choose when you wanted to meet him. Time is unfortunately running out for some of the bigger names.
  13. The kind of horror I like is usually represented in the UK in the way of special screenings and they sometimes bring actors/directors along. Plus a lot of actors have their own websites/stores so it's never hard to get autographs if that is all you want. I tend to think the horror convention thing is past it's sell by date and the US cons really do it the best and they have been doing it for so long. In the UK people tend to like TV hence all the Game of Thrones and Dr Who stars, lets be honest, they outnumber the rest of us and that's fine, it's like soap operas, they don't exist in America anymore and here we are still churning out Eastenders and Emmerdale and Coronation Street near enough on a daily basis. The British people love their television lol. I think 5-10 years ago a UK horror con would have stood a good chance of doing well just for the novelty of it but they have become so mainstream now and people's interests are so mainstream that a convention with horror stars where they wouldn't be that expensive to get over here and run and perhaps make a profit isn't good enough compared to paying a lot more for far bigger stars and stars that are more well known knowing that the potential is there to make an even bigger profit and get even more people in the door is always going to take priority. The best we can really hope for is to get some good horror stars/directors over the course of the year at different shows. I'm sure Jason knows what is what. Like Robert Englund in Glasgow last year, I seen an interview with Robert on Youtube on the Sunday and even he said the Saturday was too busy and didn't feel people got their money's worth. Like all the other actors that come over, they can look at how popular each star is and compare that with other headline names. That's how you tell how much interest there is in horror. I'm guessing with Robert's ques last year that most people there were horror fans. It's not a stretch to assume that if there had been another well known horror guest at the show most of those same people would have went to them and got an autograph. That's no disrespect to any other guest there but the clear favourite on both days was Robert. I would like to see guestlists more varied especially with writers/directors. I think Wes Craven would be a good guest and he's done many genres. I think Richard O'Brien would be a good guest because of not only Rocky Horror but the many stage shows he's written that have their own following. They would fit in on any guestlist but would attract so many different kinds of people because they've done so much.
  14. He can tell us how many times he shortchanged wrestlers working for him up in Memphis. I do agree with more horror guests especially Christopher Lee as he probably wont be with us much longer and it would be nice to meet him. I was doing a few music trades with week with some traders and one of things i gave was some rare rocky horror picture show song stems that I had gotten and it got me back to watching the film again just because it had been so long and the cast, apart from Tim Curry as he says no one can afford his fee, seem to do conventions regularly. Some of them would be nice.
  15. If he wants to talk to people then that is his choice, that is what people want. No one is gonna turn to him and say oh don't worry Brian, don't bother talking to me just think about all those people behind me lol. Not a chance. People are paying for those photos, if the guest wants to chat you better believe they're gonna chat. I do agree that it is not the place for asking questions and quizzing them but that is why you need to make the most of your time meeting guests at the table. Never ever ever feel as though you are being rushed or under pressure. Don't ever feel bad or guilty about the person standing behind you having to wait beacuse they are in the que for the same reason you are. You're not there to help other people and believe me, no one else cares for you. You need to get as much out of your time with the guests as possible at their table. If you do that then you wont feel bad about any photo shoot experience,
  16. It seats over 5000. There's no reason why more seating areas could be opened up for people to sit down and rest or maybe even have more than one talk going on at the same time to get people off the actual floor but most people don't want to do that. Everybody is all for themselves, they're quite willing to stand for long periods of time in order to look at the vendor halls and spend every second they can doing what they are doing.
  17. That's Scotland for you. When people cross that border they just get infected with our positive energy and it takes control over them the entire time they are here.
  18. I enjoyed my time there today. I even went to Waterstones at one point to pass some time just to get a breather and this girl was in there in all these colourful clothes but she was walking around barefoot. I actually thought she looked pretty good but I didn't wanna ask what it was because I don't always know what the characters are that people cosplay and then I remembered the thing inside the arena, I don't know what it was but kids were getting their pics taken and I thought I better not ask incase she's something to do with that and maybe nothing to do with Collectormania. She was dressed pretty cool though and i seen quite a few others inside the arena too.
  19. I have to say I am a bit nervous but excited because I only know a few things I'm gonna say to Robert. What is the que like for Robert, is the photos on his table the ones signed or is there more beside him? Some photos I seen it seemed like people were queing at the side of him and then theres photos with people walking up to him and then I got told that there was a 1 hour wait for him. I would like to see Roberts talk tomorrow. Can kids get into the talks now?
  20. What was Robert's que like? Was it an an open que?
  21. But that's more to do with people interested in the event rather than the venue being too small.
  22. I've always said more horror guests the better. It's what the UK needs. We need a horror con.
  23. I think he would remember you Brian.
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