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About Lenatalia

  • Birthday 05/09/1983

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  • Location
    West Yorkshire

Lenatalia's Achievements

Stunt Co-ordinator

Stunt Co-ordinator (11/23)



  1. At least the ratings were up again - 4 weeks in a row. =)
  2. And that's with Virginia not showing the episode because of some political debate.
  3. I guess I should reword it more cuddly then... Section 1: Joss Whedon shows guests only However, I would also be happy with: Joss Whedon shows & true blood guests Joss Whedon shows & General horror -OR- Joss Whedon shows & any vampire guest Section 2: true blood , vampire diaries However, I also wouldn't mind if it was either of these: vampire ball -OR- horror ball Section 3: Either is good as I'm a massive vampire (except sparkly ones) fan but I love all aspects of horror. I also love Halloween more than I love Christmas, so that's why I would love to attend a convention consisting of good horror.
  4. I loved both episodes. - Sylar was uber-sexy - Carnival people are win. - HRG and Tracy should be a good pairing. - Matt Jnr did an awesome "I'm scared of Sylar" expression. - I hope Matt embraces his dark side. Two shocking things coming up. So shocking I nearly Sh@t bricks... - I actually liked Peter! For the first time since early season 1! He is much more tolerable in relatively normal situations/environments. - I actually didn't want to kill Claire. Perhaps it was the two annoying girls she befriended that made her less irritating, but she was. I just hope the Claire and Peter tolerating lasts, then Heroes can be perfect again.
  5. There was far too many premieres on in that timeslot - Heroes didn't stand a chance. Boo to 'Dancing with the Stars', and extra boo to the unfunny 'How I Met Your Mother'.
  6. Well I know my Ray Park order was processed as I received the tickets days before he cancelled. Can't wait for those needed pennies back. =P
  7. There was a long-haired guy working on one of the stalls - selling t-shirts with slogans on. He was very good looking. And Spiderman was hot, of course. =D
  8. Yes... http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sn...5_4695578_n.jpg I love Spiderman too.
  9. I had a photo with Sunday Spiderman. <3
  10. I'll probably be walking around half asleep, but here's me anyway... Me and Sazzy.
  11. I'm not even sure. Last time I went I queued pretty early and it didn't seem to make much difference and as I'm planning on just deciding who to meet when I'm actually there, I personally have no rush, but depends on what my chums are doing. On Sunday I'm just going to stroll in after noon (hotel check out) so I can have a nice sleep in.
  12. Can't believe I only just saw this. May have to look into the old funding. =)
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