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About Hart

  • Birthday 02/10/1991

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Runner (1/23)



  1. It seems Iceland keeps erupting just in time for Collectormania which is just very inconsiderate of them! Do we know if any of the guests might have to cancel due to disrupted flights? I know there's nothing happening with flights yet but they're saying the ash could be reaching our airspace by the end of the week..nice timing. Which guests are having to fly in then? Wouldn't want to miss anyone because of this but it would be nice if we could get a heads up if possible? Sorry if this has already been brought up somewhere.
  2. ah ok thanks i'll keep an eye out for that then :)
  3. dont know if anyone has already asked but i was just wondering, is the information we're waiting for likely to be announced in this topic or will a new one be started? i wouldnt want to miss it :)
  4. Oh my goodness that would be absolutely incredible!!! Please make this happen Showmasters! :)
  5. He was probably the best Spiderman I've seen. Eddie is awesome. We actually have our suspicions that you're the real Spidey. Good job
  6. Does anyone know who that guy was? He was such a legend :) loved it. Such a nice guy.
  7. Is this the one that was at Collectormania a few years ago? I'm sure you couldn't sit in it there so this will be awesome
  8. Oh my god wow! Hoping for Selma Blair now *fingers crossed*
  9. I saw a full page advert for C15 on the back cover of the Star Trek magazine today and immediately showed the man standing next to me. I felt very proud. He looked interested too I'm also bringing my Aunt and Uncle for the first time and they are very excited!
  10. Hart


    Wow that would be awesome! Gary Sinise? Yes please
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