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007 spells Bond

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Everything posted by 007 spells Bond

  1. I doubt Kirk Douglas is in any shape for a long trek , hes 100 after all.
  2. You guys were lucky you were beaten and had to eat pieces of glass as kids , I used to dream about being so lucky
  3. Carmen Electra would prolly have to stand on a box in photo shoots , shes only 5 ft 2.
  4. I misunderstood , it was just a newsclip with horses (I thought Elcar used to ride horses , my bad)
  5. Maybe DOS aka Winchester will do a con if the money went to UNICEF or similar ?
  6. Classic 90210 cast , esp Thiessen (she should have time for a con or two these days)
  7. Got ticket #510 or something , didn't fancy waiting another 2-3 hrs so gave up on it. Hopefully he'll consider another con in the future and a private signing as well.
  8. They almost damaged my Stallone (a 400$ item !) sgd in silver so I would not recommend them.
  9. So nice of him to take the time and draw a film camera on my poster , very nice man :)
  10. What a shame Puschkin never came back in 007 , I guess he wasnt needed after Soviet Union fell.......
  11. I never met him but it was very clear to me how nice he was to fans when I saw him next to Hooper , he genuinly cared (unlike Dolph last yr who seemed a bit distracted)
  12. RDA DP (1 auto) PA DP (2) JC DP (2) TH 2 TW 2 SD 3 Demo 1 350 for flights (but room only 15/night) = 865£ approx
  13. I felt a drop on my shoulder at Stamps queue sign , thought I was just sweating but couldve been leak.
  14. I found her polite , she was even puzzled by the double sided poster I brought along (she was not pictured on the other side)
  15. Took a bit long time even with DP. I shall ask refund too , I expected better for 45 pounds.
  16. Get there as early as possible (lost both RDA and BTTF shoots , now Stamp sold out too)
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