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Guest Suggestions


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As one of the Fav film of the mid 1980's I think it would be nice to bring the cast back to Sheffield that brought one of the most loved films to come to the video market and that is the Princess Bride, so please see if Cary Elwes aka Westley, Robin Wright aka Buttercup, Mandy Patinkin aka Inigo Montoya, Wallace Shawn, Chris Sarandon, Billy Crystal etc. would be able to come, as it is was and is a most memorable film and well loved and film and filmed mostly locally in Derbyshire.  

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1 hour ago, Mendes said:

Are there anymore going to be announced between now and the weeked? Just as yes or no will do nicely. At the present I doubt I will be going with this guest list. Oh and please don't just quote the generic, 'Guests can be announced at any time'.



Unfortunately, that is the line that'll be posted, Mendes, as they can be. :smile:

Edited by wjbleming
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