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Talk transcripts - good or bad idea?

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I had a thought earlier:


I strongly feel that there should be at least transcripts of the talks for fans to read after the event.

There are genuine real, interesting, rare and unique responses from guests that will most likely never be repeated so fans who couldn't attend, couldn't clearly hear the responses when they were there or (like me) forget what was said due to poor memory could know what was said. I believe this would make us happy. It would also be a nice record for the future for when time comes to remember those good people who lightened up our lives when they're no longer around to do so.

I know there is often a video camera at talks so the guests can be shown on a big screen but i don't know if it's also recording. I'm not asking if a video of the talk(s) be made available (though it'd be nice...) - especially for paid talks but a written transcript of fans' questions and the guest responses would be wonderful! :)


What is everyone else's opinion?

Edited by trekkedtoseethestarsoftrek
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The cynic in me would say no for two reasons:


1. Some people might just think they'll just wait and read instead of buying a ticket.


2. The guests will be more wary if they know there's an official record.


While it would be nice, I'd say leave it to fan sites or whatever if someone decides to do it, but otherwise no.

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Personally speaking, as someone who can't afford talks (as we go as a family, £10 upwards per person, just isn't douable) this is a great idea but I have a feeling they would still be charged for, which I wouldn't mind paying for if it was say a small fee, not ten pounds upwards etc.


In my case, it wouldn't be "I'm not buying a ticket I can get it on transcript later", personally, you can't beat a actual talk, transcript wouldn't be the same but it would be cool to be part of it afterwards.


On the other hand though, David is most likely correct, if the guest knew their would be a written account later, they may think twice about their answers.

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I don't think its practical or worthwhile for most people. If you wanna go to the talk then go, if you wanna meet the guest then go...and so on. The sound system should be working fine though, that's SM's job.


You can always record the talk yourself on your iPhone and listen to it later. Or just write everything down that was said before you forget. I've often done that for talks I was interested in and posted about it here. But then I've got a pretty good memory for that.

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I should point out here that if you were to 'record the talk yourself on your iPhone' you would be breaking the rules. Both video AND audio recordings are forbidden.

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It would be great to have a recording especially for us not English mother tongues... even if you're good in English there's always going to be something you miss... especially for the talks later in the day when you're more tired... Sadly I think that for the same reason they don't want you to video record they won't allow for a transcript...

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