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The ROTK Cry-o-meter!!!


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I absolutely cried my leg off at ROTK today

Here are my key wail-moments:


1. Frodo telling Sam to bugger off

2. Theodens death

3. Pippin and Merry are seperated

4. Arwen and Aragorn reunited

5. Frodo going to the Grey Havens


Im all red eyed and red nosed ( :D )

Theres loads more and I will probably cry when I see it again tonight


I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

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I cried in those places too, but I'll add a couple not there:


6) Sam thinking Frodo was dead after he defeated Shelob

7) The reunion of the Fellowship (they were tears of joy and happiness)

8) When Sam and Frodo are struggling up Mount Doom and Sam is reminding Frodo of the Shire and when he carried him up the mountain.

9) After the Ring is destroyed, Frodo saying he was glad Sam was with him, at the end of all things.




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Oh noo! I saw rotk today and was absolutely blown away. It's fantastic and from all the films I've ever seen it has to be number one on my list. I just can't beleive it's over. well, not yet of course. It'll be in the cinema until the end of january/ beginning of february and then we have C5 to look forward to and then of course there is the 4-disc set. It's just, what happens after that? what are we going to do? I never thought i'd get this upset over the fact that lotr is all over. There won't be any more premieres, not nearly as many press conferences, media coverage, merchandise, etc. The books still remain and the dvds but there won't be that lotr spirit thriving around anymore and its just so sad. :blink: oh dear....but the return of the king!! its spectacular. everything was the way i imagined how it would be when i read the books which proves how brilliant a writer Tolkien is and what amazing cast and crew the films had.

spectacular spectacular.


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I didn't cry, not one bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ok I cried bloody loads, I have a headache from all the crying and my eyes, have gone all red!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me too!! :o:blink: It's gone this morning but last night it was one hell of a stress headache. At the end I just wanted to sit in the cinema and cry and cry - I've never felt like that before, I think it's the same as when I first read the books - I didn't want to leave these characters, and we've been on this journey with them for three years and now it's finished. It's not the end as we'll always have the books and the films to go back to, but I our first experience of these films is over :lol::o

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Uuuuurrrrggggghhhh, reading through these posts has made me start crying again! I completely agree with ALL the points in the last three posts.


I'm just so sad that it's over. I think I never really accepted it would be, in my mind I just thought it was going to carry on forever. Even when "The End"came up on the screen, I couldn't accept it.


When I woke up this morning, my eyes were still bright red-bloodshot and puffy!


It's like for the past three years, we haven't just been watching these characters on this journey, we've actually joined them on it. We're so involved and now it's over.


I guess we just have to try and get over it - a big stage in our lives has passed.


**cries** :D :D :D

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i didn't cry at all but the most heart pulling bit was ON THAT ROCK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LAVA.. when sam is telling frodo about how if he could of married anyone... it would have beem rose cotton!



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There's always one isn't there

idiot u mean? I had a group of them behind me...and I dont care if they are older than me and would probably smack me one too, If I would have seen them afterwards, They wouldof got a slap! 'Is this s**t finished yet?' :angry:

Yeah, I know what you mean, I sat by a big group of kids who were laughing and taking the p**s out of the people in front who were crying. It made me really angry. They obviously weren't there to enjoy the film, just to annoy other people.

Luv Jen xxxxxxxxxxxx

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There's always one isn't there

idiot u mean? I had a group of them behind me...and I dont care if they are older than me and would probably smack me one too, If I would have seen them afterwards, They wouldof got a slap! 'Is this s**t finished yet?' :wub:

Yeah, I know what you mean, I sat by a big group of kids who were laughing and taking the p**s out of the people in front who were crying. It made me really angry. They obviously weren't there to enjoy the film, just to annoy other people.

Luv Jen xxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh, I had some of them too. At the beginning, they were like "What film is this again? The Three Kings? The first two films were meant to be crap. Why are we here again? Dunno, there was nothing else on"

There were about 10 of them and they must have been about 14 years old. Soooooo annoying. I though, I'm not gonna let them ruin my first ROTK experience! Normally, I'm a really neutral person, you know the one who tries to chill everyone else out, but when they started taking the **** of Andy as Smeagol I just turned round and told them to shut up. :angry: Very unlike me!

It seemed to work though, not a peep of them for the rest of the film although that was probably cos I was so absorbed I didn't notice anything going on around me. LOL!

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I didn't cry, not one bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ok I cried bloody loads, I have a headache from all the crying and my eyes, have gone all red!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've just seen it and I've got a headache too! lol! what is it with that film? Yeah I had a lump in me throat all the way through (well, there were some funny bits too!) and I just went out and thought "wow". It is AMAZING!

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i saw it today and it is AMAZING!!


i was bucketting at the end tho i was pretty close to tears throught the entire film.....i think the reason i didn't cry was that there was a whole crowd of like 50 16yr old boys who all knew each other sitting in the screening and chatting the whole way through it, they completely riuned the ending 4 me the b******s!


anywho i was sooooo close to crying i think i really really will bucker tomorrow when i see it with the forum!

Edited by nomi-noo
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