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your hobbies


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Nice :mellow:


A multitude of hockey injuries for me. Thats what you get for playing in goal!


Got concussed when I got hit in the head with a stick. Messed up feet, toes, knees, elbows, ribs. All sorts! Wrists and jaw too. Nothing VERY serious as yet. Only a matter of time though!

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my hobbies.... rock climbing, can hurt when your buddy gives too much slack....

riding my scooter, fell off outside mc donalds damaged my bike more than myself though....

dance machines, falling off while trying (and failing) the expert really mega hard ones....

drama when i was back in school someone slammed a door on my toe and i broke it....

p.e had to do blind fold trust thing and my mate made me run into a brick wall....

going round a mates house her horse stood on my foot....

even getting up from sitting on the floor i kneed myself in the head and gave myself a nose bleed.....

my mum used to pull my hood over my head and make me walk into lamp posts...

thats about all i can think of at the moment... :P:lol::P

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Ive been kicked, stepped on and bit many many times.



You really need to change the class of guy you date :wub:



right......*edges away*

my hobby used to be self harm.


oh and when my pony kicked me. But it was a fat pony so it only managed to kick my legs so i just got knocked down. but... got a mahusive bruise on my knee and bruised the bone and hurt to walk a bit





p.e had to do blind fold trust thing and my mate made me run into a brick wall....



That made me laugh so much.... im sorry. :D


tisk tisk :P

P.e should be banned...i fractured me wrist doing p.e ...like i said erlier...

oh and i had various bruses from one freind who kept punching me...

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Nice  :rolleyes:


A multitude of hockey injuries for me. Thats what you get for playing in goal!




Hockeys a vicious game! i almost broke someones ankle with a hockey stick *accident*



I did break someones ankle! It was his own fault tho, he wussed out.

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Nice  :rolleyes:


A multitude of hockey injuries for me. Thats what you get for playing in goal!




Hockeys a vicious game! i almost broke someones ankle with a hockey stick *accident*



Not as viscious as Ice Hockey :unsure:


Hockey is just a poofs version of Ice Hockey :(

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I ran into a stone post as a child and have a dent in my forehead to prove it.


My boyfriend smashed his face up while riding his bike and my dad did the same on a scooter.


My brother almost had his fingers sliced off when he fell over ice skating and someone ran over his hand.


My boyfriend just has the tendency to bang his head, he knocked himself unconscious when snowboarding in January and got 'surfed' into in Newquay this summer. Silly boy :lol:

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Remember when trains were still proper old carriages that you could see between and see the hooks that kept them together? My dad got his leg trapped in one of those :lol:


My mum had her eye bit by a dog when she was younger

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i got another horse related one, which is also my most embarrasing moment EVER!

I compete at advance level dressage, which is a really high level, and at that level you just dont make silly mistakes. Anyway, was at a competition, done the dressage test, and at the end i had to halt in the centre of the arena and salute the judge. So i halted, and as i took off my hat to salute, i felt the hat slipping out of my fingers :uhoh: i paniked as it started to drop, tried to grab it...... and ended up slipping out of the saddle, hitting the ground and bruising my backside :huh: didnt hurt as much as my pride did, sitting there on the floor in front of a very confused horse and a crowd of a few hundred people in hysterics :(

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mine are quite pathetic compared to some people's!!!!


got one side of my ankel sliced a bit on rocks while surfing - atleast 5 years ago! (underestimated how far the 3ft wave would take me then didn't realised the tide had gone in so far! sufficed to say I know wear a long-long wetsuit and cute little wetsuit socks on my feet :()


my little fingers don't touch my other fingers and on the right it's bend a funny shape, so I figure I broke it back in my hockey goalost defending days!! :(


got this amazing purple bruise line right accross my thigh which I can only imagine how it got there! :( maybe when I was bowling the other night for my birthday I walked into a table? :huh:B):(


yet to try any form of horse riding :(


my arms always kill after I go rock climbing - LOVE to do it in Xcape again at C8 but I prefer being belayed than having to support all my weight on my toes and fingers on my own! :D



davey! woah mate! :( good story though!!!!


haven't officially broken anything yet... touch wood!



surfy sah xx

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