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Everything posted by naurarwen_fangorn

  1. Thank you Too Tall. Also keeping the rules updated is good too as there's lots of new movies coming out with weaponary that may not be clear whether or not they are okay under the rules written.
  2. That would have been okay but eh Collectormania has kinda been and gone. I went with my bow anyway. No one stopped me, no one asked to check it so meh whatever. Also LFACC isn't the only convention where people want to know weapons rules. There may not be things organised for Collectormanias but it might still be useful to have the rules tagged at the top of ALL convention sections!
  3. Another thing to ask what if your weapon can't be peace bonded. I.e. its a flamer or pulse rifle from Aliens. How exactly am I'm going to piece bond that when I carry both round by the handle on them? What about my Katniss bow does that need to be peace bonded too cause that might be kinda hard? Also what about things that don't have holsters?
  4. Okay so there is a group of about 20 or so Hunger Games cosplayers in a group on facebook, and yeah okay there could be a few more on the day but the people who are doing it singley may not read the board and know anything about the chance to get groups pics as well as any other groups there are so how is it fair to say you need 60+ people. Does this mean all the Hunger Games cosplayers (and other groups of course) have to spend the day walking round trying to find more cosplayers of the same film just so they can get their group up to 60 people. Somehow I don't think so. Also on another cosplay point your rules for weaponary is kinda out dated its the same one that has been used for years now and it needs a bit of a update especially with movies such as Hunger Games and Avengers now consisting of bows and cosplayers wanting to have these weapons. Bows are definitely under 5ft but at the end of the day they are live because they have bow strings, one company says no strung bows. No offence but thats pointless as its then just a slightly bent piece of plastic. So can we maybe get an update on the rules for long bows, recurves, cross bows etc
  5. she is naraurwen fangorn on the forum (I always spell that wrong) Am not I'm naurarwen_fangorn Rhi :-P my twitter is @naurarwen
  6. His clash is John Barrowman and The Hunger Games talk
  7. The Hunger Games duo, Lena, Secret Circle girly....the list continues
  8. I've been to all the food places in a full costume and they dont mind. Darth Vader was eating outside Maccys last year. Well I say eating he decided to sit down randomly
  9. Fairly sure it's £25/night. Cool thank you! I'll probably just do one night I think. Now trying to decide between Fri and Sat.
  10. Just a quick question is that £25 per night or £25 and you can do the Fri and Sat night???
  11. Oh thanks for that I will send them an email later today. Just I just send them my name and confirmation number and ask for my confirmation email??
  12. Thats awesome well I will definitely be looking out for you. I'm helping out with Star Warriors over the course of the weekend but if I spot you I'll come say howdy
  13. I've seen you a few times at cons but sadly not had the pleasure of talking to you yet. I will there on Saturday as Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games so I will be sure to come over and saw howdy and hopefully be able to make a donation.
  14. Okay so I booked my room a few weeks ago now I think roughly when Jason did the last post in here and they still haven't taken my deposit. I rang them after a week and said they hadn't taken it and the woman assured me my booking was there and the payment would be taken within a week but still nothing. Not that I want to pay a deposit lol I'd rather pay in full when I get there but I'm overly paranoid that they will give up my room if the deposit isn't paid. Looks like I'll have to give them a ring tomorrow and find out whats going on. Also I only have a confirmation number not an email
  15. I did Manchester cause its about a hour on the train South for me, followed by Birmingham as thats about 3 hour drive South. Then none of the above as their all pretty far and places I've never really been to. Used to love Collectormania Gmex as it was so close to home. I'd say do one at Blackpool but I don't wish my fate on any of you even just for a weekend
  16. Definitely though was a bit upset when I realised my avatar had disappeared. Luckily still had it on my photobucket so after a little bit of hunting have found it again. Might take a little bit of getting used to but I like it so far
  17. OMG its changed. I looked so confused when it loaded. It was a definite WTF moment
  18. No they didn't send me an email confirmation but then they never have. I have my confirmation number written down.....somewhere.....on an envelope...that I put somewhere safe, apparently so safe I can't remember where I put it
  19. Finally got my ticket and hotel for this and still waiting on my money being taken for the hotel but oh well. The woman on the phone was quite adament that my room was definitely there when I rang to double check
  20. Oh good question fingers crossed xx I would def pay top doller to have a photo with Rob Same just have a worry that his, Kristen and Taylor's contracts wont be up till the last movei is out which would epically fail. I've met Rob twice already at previous Collectormania's but I only got a photo over the table with him once and even them I'm dressed as Draco Malfoy looking like I'm trying to shove my wand up my nose lmfao
  21. Guessing no one reads this section of the forum anymore. Ah bring back the days when the costume part of the forum was actually busy. We'll I'll be bringing my bow to the convention as it seems to fit in with the rules and regs so hope I aint told to get rid of it as I have tried to ask on here about it and no one has bothered to reply.
  22. Gah the C18 cut off date is getting closer and closer. Thinking I might just have to wait till the event to get my photo tickets etc
  23. Too Tall are their Twilight contracts over now do we know or do they not finish till the last movie is out in the cinema/on dvd.
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