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Everything posted by white_rider56

  1. *IF* I've got to choose ..... Mine are:- 1) Return of the King 2) Fellowship of the Ring 3) The Two Towers But I love them all just the same as well!!!... (work that one out!!!)
  2. Hi There Yeah....Me too!!!....I think that's a fantastic idea.....I would really love a signed photo of Billy AS Billy!!!....hehehe...lol
  3. So basically any scene that Pippin is in eh mother ...LOL So basically any scene that Pippin is in eh mother ...LOL ......Errrmmmm!!.....Well!!!....YUP!!!... could've put more on....but I'd have gone on forever!!!!.....hehehe!!...
  4. Favorite moments in The three movies Well here goes.... LOTR:- Most of the Mines of Moria scenes...But my favs are...... The look of awe on Merry and Pippins faces in the Mines of Moria, as gandalf lights up the room.....it's as if they suddenly realize how *VERY BIG!!!*... the rest of Middle Earth is and how *VERY SMALL!!*... they are, as the music swells in the backround!! The scene after Gandalfs death and the camera zooms in to the look of disbelief and devastation on Merry's face as he holds a sobbing Pippin in his arms!!!...(sniff,sniff) The look of sadness on Boromir's face just before his death, as he finally realizes he can no longer help save Merry and Pippin.....and then his final death scene!!!.. (Best screen death ever!!) The scene of Frodo just before he climbs into the boat to go off to Mordor on his own TTT:- The Ent Draft scene between Merry and Pippin....A light relief moment and so funny!!.. Haldir's death!!!....Every time I see it I still cringe in agony!!! The scene where Merry tells Pippin that there *Will Be No Shire!*... if the Ents wont help!!!...and the sudden dawn of realisation on Pippins face!!... The bit where Pippin tells Treebeard to take them South to Isengard....and the look on his face as if he's finally determined to do *Something* right!!! And the Flotsam and Jetsam scene at the end of the Storming of Isengard...(another light relief moment at the end of all the tension of Helm's Deep.....especially Pippins cackles as the camera pulls away from the storeroom.....(gives me the giggles too!!)) ROTK:- All of Pippins Scenes...But especially......The Palantir scene....(Frightens the S**T!! out of me..)...Poor Pip!! The farewell scene between Merry and Pip..... The long distance scene when Gandalf and Pippin arrive at Minas Tirith, and they ride to the uppermost level.... The scene where Denethor tells Faramir that he wishes he had died instead of Boromir..(How can any Father say *THAT!!!* to his son) and Faramir's eyes fill with tears!!! Pippins Song and Faramir's suicide ride... The *Far Green Country* talk between Pippin and Gandalf and Billy's face in that scene....(The most beautiful words I've ever heard!!!..to try to explain to someone who's afraid of dying, what death will or could be like....(Brilliant!!)) The reunion scene between Merry and Pippin!!....(But not long enough!!) The bit where Sam picks up Frodo on Mount Doom...and carries him up the volcano!!! The scene just after Aragorn's coronation where the music swells and he says that the Hobbits bow to no-one!!!..... All of the *Grey Havens*.....(by now I'm sobbing and on my third or fourth tissue!!) Oh Heck!!!...Why don't I just say that I loved every single second of *ALL* three of them...and I *NEVER* wanted them to *END!!!*.....
  5. Mine have just got to be:- 1) LOTR's (all three of 'em) best soundtrack series ever!!!... That's why it won the Oscar!!! 2) Star War's....everyone knows that one...It's so well known... 3) Raiders of the lost Ark!!!..... 4) Jurrassic Park 5) Pirates of the Caribbean 6) Tara's Theme (Gone with the Wind)...a very old classic but still brilliant!!!! and....and.....Oh so many more that I couldn't put 'em all on here!!!!...
  6. Hi There I'm going!!..... and misty_blue is too!!....we're going with Andy and Chris... Yayyyy!!!..Woohooooo!! not long to go now!!!...Can't wait!!!!!!!
  7. This will be the FIFTH event that I've met him at....and my EIGHTH meeting with him....God I'm so lucky!!!...You can never get enough of Billy...... I've met Andy Serkis Three times as well......He's a lovely bloke too!!
  8. Hi There I'm already over the moon because my favorite is already coming...(Billy)... Although I'm a little disappointed that Karl has cancelled...I'd be very happy with any one of those....Dom, Sean B (I've always loved Sharpe) or David.....So I totally agree with you
  9. Although I'm not new to the Forum...I'm still relatively new to posting here, and I'm not sure I'm allowed to do this??....But some of you Billy fans may like to check out this site, that I'm a member of.... At LFACC I got Billy and Andy (Serkis) to sign a *tote bag* and then it was put up for auction on a *well known* online auction site and we raised over $230 dollars for charity... and that was only one thing!!!.... BUT!!! ....It would be nice if you asked his permission to do anything first...especially if you are going to use his name to raise money!!...All you have to do is mention what the item is for to Billy when you meet him and he will either tell you that he fully supports what you are doing or he doesn't... as the case may be!!.....Here's the address:- www.bbloonscharities.net Go give it a looksy!!.. PS. By-the-way this site does have the full support of Billy... Here's a pic of Billy signing said *tote bag* at LFACC And a couple of pics of what Billy and Andy wrote on them!!...
  10. Hi all Just a few pics to whet your appetites.... A FEW OF BILLY!!!....... AND A FEW OF PIPPIN!!!.....JUST TO KEEP THE FLOW GOING!!! THAT'LL DO FOR NOW......HEHEHEHE!!!!....
  11. Hi There Please, Please, Please can I join your Billeh Society ..... Oh! and by-the-way *Feart* is Scottish for *afraid* or scared..... So now you know, and you don't need to ask Billy at Collectormania what it means!!!... Hows about a nice pic then....(not for bribery purposes...You understand....(ahem)) Gone a little warm in here suddenly hasn't it??....PHEW!!!
  12. Hi There Sam Sure we can meet up again at C6 if you would like to.....and Yes I'll email you a little closer to the event to arrange something.....Oh! and by-the-way my name is Sandra....Or San...Or even Sandi!!!...If you forget again you can always ask Andy what it is.....(If he remembers what it is as well!... that is)......hehehehe....lol Great news about Billy isn't it???....
  13. Billy wasn't at C4!!!.....As far as I remember.....Only Lij, Dom and Sean A. were there!! So far.... Billy has only done one Collectormania and one LFACC....his other appearances were for other un-named shows.... He'll always be welcome in my book.....he's such a pleasure to meet and always very pleasent....even when he's dead tired!!!.....Well Done SM....You Rock!!!!
  14. Hey!!!... What's this???... I go away for a few days to the Edinburgh Festival, and when I get back, not only do I find that Karl Urban is coming, (which is great news ) but that my prayers have been answered, and the best of the best... BILLY BOYD is too!!!....OH WOW!! Now I'm in Seventh Heaven!!!.... ....This'll be my fifth meeting with the best little hobbit ever born.....I can't wait....now I'm really happy and I'm just going to sing my little heart out...(*cough..cough*) ....I'm singing in the the rain.. just singing in the rain.....What a glorious feeling... I'm happy again....I walk down the lane...with a happy refrain... just dancing and singing in the rain.. Thanks SM you rock!!!
  15. No fair..... Can't go!!!...Am in Edinburgh for a few days!!!
  16. I've always been wise my son.... you just never took any notice before....hehehe!!!... see u later
  17. Hi there I totally agree with you....Merry *was* screwed over in ROTK......You waited ages to see him get one over on the Witch King, and then all you got was a tiny scene that flashed by in a second....Merry was a far more important character than they showed in the film, and I was very disappointed with what they did show..... Afterall if it hadn't have been for Merry stabbing the Witch King in the leg in the first place....Eowyn would have been dead!..and the Witch King would have gone on to win the Battle of the Pellanor Fields, and very likely the whole war for Sauron.....He was barely seen in the movie and it lessened his impact!!... Up until ROTK Merry was my second fav character.....Book and filmwise... Dom did an excellent job though, and I understand that they cut almost 75% of his scenes in it...Lets hope they put a lot of it back into the EE DVD, and make an excellent film even better!!!!
  18. Hi There Lij is very cute, and he would be my third choice....My second choice would be Sean Bean I've liked him ever since Sharpe...But Billy is still Number One all the way for me!!!...There's something about those eyes of his that look right into you....Oooooo!!!..(shudders)... Why is it that I can take resonably decent pics of any of the other cast??.... but when it comes to taking pics of Billy, does my camera suddenly decide it's got a mind of it's own and goes into a sulk and wont work properly??...and the very next pic I take of someone else turns out perfect!!...I've only ever taken one decent pic of Billy in my life and that was at LFACC and the light was terrible there!!.....HeHeHe...Oh well!....Maybe it gets jealous around Billy and needs more love and attention!!... Anyway I need to look at some more pictures, hows about you???...so I'll post a few more eh!!!.....Maybe help you to make up your minds....LOL... Hows about those then????......
  19. Hey Sam My name is Sandra......But just for you!! ...You can call me San or Sandi, if you like....
  20. NOoooo!....My fav character never changed... Pippin has always been my favorite character in both the books and the films....I don't know why!!.. but I suppose it's because even in the books he was always totally misinterpreted by everybody, (except by the other Hobbits)...He *WAS* sometimes a little clumsy and a bit of an idiot... but that was due to his insatiable curiosty and his zest for knowledge and life....He wanted to know everything there was, about everything there is!!...He was a total innocent!!...and pure in thought and mind really (being as how he was the youngest!)... and although he was 28 years old in Hobbit years, the equivalent in human is only 16 or 17!....He was also very afraid... but when it came down to it....His heart was as big as a house, and he proved he was no coward or *FOOL of a TOOK*....and that he was every bit as much needed on the Quest as the rest of the Fellowship....His lighthearted ways and his ability to make them laugh, reminded them of happier times and kept them sane....which is why I love the character of Pippin so much.... In the movies...Billy Boyd only expanded my views of Pippin even more...It's how I always pictured Pippin in my head when I read the books....No-one else could possibly have played Pippin any better....Billy *IS* Pippin
  21. Hi To You Too Sam.... Hope you are well....Sorry I wont see you in Birmingham next week... am off to Edinburgh for a few days...will hug you next time I see you... ANDY'S MOM
  23. Hi There OOOOoooo!!! Pippin Definately!!!......He's SOOooooo Cute!!!
  24. Hi There All Although I'm not new to the forum... (I've been lurking about for ages)...It's time to come out of the wardrobe now, and this is my very first post....So I've found out a few little pics for all you Billy Fans out there.... THERE'S THIS ONE!!!! OR MAYBE THIS!!! THIS!! OR EVEN THIS!! AND WOW!!...... HOW ABOUT THIS!!! COR BLIMEY!!!.....YUMMY!!!!!!!...... The temperature has just gone up in here and I am now going for a cold shower!!!....Phew!!!
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