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Everything posted by ptenbob

  1. So you'll put the whole £1 towards the comic then? Believe me, if you choose to harvest internal organs from the crew, this would be a good weekend to forget about... Kidneys, Liver, Brain, Heart and the Stomach. Some from the drinking, some from the stress, and the rest from all the crap that we have to shovel down our throats to stay fueled!! Uh, my bad, just realised who posted the original message - and you already know all that. As for the comic - MORE OF THIS PLEASE!!!! See you at the weekend Apocalypse Dude...
  2. Two things always amaze me: 1. How people will spend a lot of money to arrange to meet a single guest at an event like this - when we all know that anything can and will eventually happen. 2. When a high profile guest is cancelled, the majority of serious complaints seem to be from those who choose otherwise not to contribute to the forums. Do these people register just to moan?! People - life happens, get over it.
  3. Definately for Hogfather! :) Lord Downey rocks.
  4. Last time I met Margot was at Autographica a few years ago, we were stood in the bar looking very puzzled at the TV (along with countless others) as Johnny Wilkinson converted an important kick which appeared to make the country very happy... Another one of those bizarre moments in life!
  5. Can't wait to see Cher and talk about a hopeful future project to do with a gentleman with the initials GC!! Hope you'se are cool.
  6. THE FIRST PRATCHETT GUEST!!!! OMGWTFBBQ etc. Another great guest... Time to start another collection dammit.
  7. What. The. Frak?!? On my list of actors who may turn up at a show at some point in time... He's not on it. Never thought it'd be possible. Awesome guest.
  8. Happy belated one big fella! B.
  9. I've not forgotten!! I've been kinda busy, sorting my tv show out and appearing in a new movie :) Long story, buy me a drink at London and I'll tell all
  10. Jay... Man. Legend. Especially after all his trials and tribulations - much respect for him.
  11. Cool :) Another one for the poster I started at the re-union!
  12. I've written a few for my own shows from time to time, they've seen me get on local and national radio, as well as featured in the press - leave it with me, I'll consult my formula (yes, that's true, I have a formula for the perfect release) and see what I can come up with :) T/B.
  13. I'm not sure if it's any indication as to the friendliness of Paul Ince, but a few weeks ago when MK Dons played at Chesterfield, before the match, as he was just taking his seat, one of the St John's Ambulance women approached him and asked for his autograph. He looked at her, looked at the paper, thought for a moment or two, then said no. It would have taken him less time to sign the damn paper than it did for him to think about it! Whether he's there or not, I wouldn't bank on him being the nicest signee you've ever met!
  14. And if you don't, and there aren't any Sportsmania shirts, Vest and Pants all round!
  15. I'm still here, just more subtle these days :-P Was good to see you again, and we totally rocked that pit on Sunday! :) B.
  16. I remember that... 'twas me who asked him to leave ;-) Good good! I just hope he listened and didnt try to push in again after the first 2 warnings he got! *though he probably did, he seemed kinda persistant* It annoyed me much, though it didnt bother me too much, being at the front of the que and all XD Without wishing to speak of it on teh interwebs... It was sorted. ;-)
  17. Thank you :) And thank y'all for behaving when I asked you to!
  18. I remember that... 'twas me who asked him to leave ;-)
  19. Well... Things didn't go exactly as planned on that morning, and due to circumstances beyond our control, the queue ended up in the center way before we'd scheduled it. So, what happened was that we took a few books of tickets, and started giving them out to the line - I'd have 1-100 for the front of the queue, someone else took 101-200 for the next section back, etc. Because we're not infallible, and because of the rush that everything came down to, we ended up with attendees in the queue being given out of sync tickets (Including one "gentleman" who was extremely unhappy about it all, but that's another story). HOWEVER. Knowing how the events work, and the sorts of numbers that JB was capable of meeting on the day, we knew that everyone in the queue had a very good chance of meeting him (certainly those who'd been there for a few hours) Therefore, it was nothing nefarious, nothing remotely untoward - simply a case of a decision having to be made which kept a massive queue happy and under control! (Before anyone mentions anything about the under control comment, don't think for one second that I suspect other than you were all ready to riot if you found out that JB had cancelled, or that we weren't on our game!! ;-) )
  20. Thanks for not telling me any jokes this time!! :) B.
  21. Ecliptians, fighting for Truth, Justice, Alcohol and YATTA!
  22. I can't believe I didn't mention this before... Eve, once she realised how many of her fans were there to see her, never actually took a lunch break. I know this, because as well as working in front of her on her queue (possibly being the Jobsworth mentioned earlier), I also helped escort her through the crowds wherever she needed to go - and therefore have a little knowledge about what she actually did that day. How many stars are willing to give up basic comforts like food to meet their fans? Not many.
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