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Everything posted by popstar!!

  1. LISA....... Well I'ma get my dad to drop me and jess off about 2 hours earlier just to see if we can check in earlier. So like yeah ha maybe you should try and check in earlier, we could try and find the hilton together haha!
  2. Awesome YAY for silver! Tonight I'm gonna have to buy standard but I don't really mind XD
  3. YAY got my reg letter! Silver 96 and 97 XD that put me in a good mood! I'm buying a ticket for ET4 tonight too, my mum said I could! YAY just gotta start looking for a roomie!!
  4. Here is mine. I won't tell you who it is in dedication to, as well no one knows and I like that it is secret! I got it for my 15th XD http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3117...mp;id=702196034 Planning many many more though.
  5. Chesme, I can't get over how much you look like Rory from The Gilmore Girls <3
  6. Ahhhh getting picked up soon. I feel like a spam I was supposed to pick up a laptop for her from school and I didn't cause i wasnt sure i had to and her dad is going to be really mad at me and i should have got her a prezzie but i didnt have time and i feel really bad about that. Ughhhh so worried :/ I hope i find something to talk about i get really quiet and have nothing to say usually! Thankfully there is lots of gossip so i may have stuff to talk about :/ AHHHHHHHH
  7. Firstly. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID! Secondly. Hello all XD I'm off to see my friend in hospital tonight I'm mega scared. Wish me luck
  8. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so not in a good mood. Anyone been to Wakestock? Well anyway I always wanted to go and it's sold out apparently already. Better not be. Grrrrrrrrrr.
  9. Thanks Lil. I know like over the weekend i wont be alone but like I have no roomie :/
  10. I really want to get a ticket, obviously I will have to go standard though, but will have plenty of time to save up for photo tickets and stuff so I'm not that bothered. I will be going on my own though so I'm not sure it my mum will let me :/ Ughhh
  11. Hola :) Got some good news yesterday. Well sad but good. My best friend Sarah had been put into a recovery center for anorexia. Well which is good but also bad but she will be able to get more attention and better care which is good. Anyway I get to go see her tomorrow night which is great. I asked her other 'best friend' to come too but she decided to be selfish as she has a 'phobia' of hospitals, basically she is extremely selfish. Anyway yay I get to go see her tomorrow which is awesome I haven't seen her for about a month. Got a letter from this college today and I have an interview there next week. I'm not looking forward to it as I haven't actually decided what subjects I want to do. Actually I don't even want to go to college. Anyway sorry for like the full on report about my day. How is everyone?
  12. Welcome! You won't be alone XD Helooooo
  13. Ah nice to meet you. Also what a small world! I was entered for that, invited for my photo shoot in London but didn't end up doing it! Good luck I will definitely vote for you XD
  14. Hahahaha hate mail that is so funny, they neeeed to get lives seriously.
  15. Seriously anyone feel like adopting me? Just told my mum about my mock exam results, she had a major stress about how none of my siblings did that badly and how i better get B's in my real exams 'or else' and she just sits there giving me this look that makes me want to scream/ cry it's a look that says 'you are such a mistake you fail at life get a grip I don't want you as my child' and I want to kill her. Ughhhh I can not stand living here much longer I'm being driven to the edge and I swear my brother and sister and mum enjoy making me feel like crap. Worst thing is knowing I'm stuck here and there is nowhere else for me to go. FML FML FML FML FML FML FML
  16. Yeah don't worry about it. At twi-prom I was staying at my sisters house but still had as much of a good time XD
  17. what other cons have you been too? i've only ever been to the SM eternal twilight ones Don't know if you can talk bout other events here so don't hurt me ha.. cons for Buffy, Angel, Moonlight, Prison Break, The L Word, Veronica Mars. VERONICA MARS FTW
  18. Yes Jamie please XD NOW NOW NOW.
  19. He also played Halling in Atlantis and Pallan in 1 episode of SG1. Maybe he'll pop up in Stargate Universe at some point (fingers crossed). He has the best terrifying voice in the business in my opinion, and he is BRILLIANT as Druitt in Sanctuary. He's a cracking guest, and i'm really looking forward to meeting him That picture is AWESOME by the way I really want to hear his voice because if I meet him and he speaks like Marcus I will just be so scared! I must youtube him XD
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