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About norse_sage

  • Birthday 04/18/1981

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Best Boy (4/23)



  1. Diamond Guest Suggestions Arnold Schwarzenegger Sylvester Stallone Dolph Lundgren Normal Guest Suggestions Jon Bernthal Clark Gregg Adrienne Palicki Kane Hodder Doug Bradley J.K. Simmons
  2. Diamond Guest suggestions: Sylvester Stallone Arnold Schwarzenegger Dolph Lundgren Milla Jovovich Ordinary guests: Kane Hodder Doug Bradley Jon Bernthal Lou Ferrigno
  3. No, I had a blast at LFCC this year, even if I only went Friday, and I can't wait for the next one!
  4. I can only go on Friday, as I waited too long and missed out on Saturday and Sunday tickets. Out of all guests I'll be missing out on since they only appear on Saturday and/or Sunday, Agent Carter is the one that hurts the most
  5. So in the story I see that there is a Sigourney Weaver Diamond Pass BATCH 2 on sale in the Friday photoshoot section, but she is listed as a guest on Saturday and Sunday only? Does that mean she'll be there on Friday as well but not sign anything?
  6. Personally, I could not care less about Star Wars, not even if they get Harrison Ford, but hey, good for the ones that do! Glad to hear there will be more themes though, hopefully some will be to my liking as well*. If not, I'm still a happy camper of there are five or so other quest I care about, or Schwarzenegger and/or Stallone. * My own dream theme would be a Marvel theme, with Marvel guests past and present - from Agent Coulson to Rex Smith (First live action Daredevil).
  7. Comic Book Writers: Jim Starlin Roy Thomas Gerry Conway Artists: Jock Tim Bradstreet Authors: Thomas Harris Graham Hancock
  8. Hotel booked! Tickets I will buy later, don't know yet if I'll go for regular or Diamond - depends on which guest(s) there will be Diamond package(s) for. If it's Stallone or Schwarzenegger, then Diamond it is:-)
  9. In addition to dream Diamond Guests Stallone or Schwarzenegger, I would love to see the following regular guests: James Purefoy Mads Mikkelsen Ray Stevenson Tom Jane Dolph Lundgren Jonathan Frakes Lou Ferrigno Olivia Thirlby Bryan Fuller Adam West Burt Ward Yvonne Craig Burt Kwouk and comic guests: Jim Starlin Roy Thomas Gerry Conway Jock Tim Bradstreet
  10. So far, I have always made due with regular entry tickets. With proper timing and planning, I have gotten to meet all the big guests I wanted to meet, so have no current plans of going for any Gold or Platinum passes for the future either. However, there are some names, exceedingly few, but some, that I would happily shell out multiple hundreds of punds for a Diamond ticket for. These names include Arnold Schwarzenegger Sylvester Stallone I'd plan all year around the event if you could get one of those two.
  11. This was maybe my fourth or fifth pure Showmasters con, had a blast, and will be back next time there are enough guests I really want to meet.
  12. I had an awesome time too, and no real complaints. Have done this enough times that I know how to plan the day and what to expect. Cheers, Showmasters!
  13. Haha, the first one's definitely me (glad I could help!), the second one's either me or one of the other lovely ladies in the area across the afternoon. I was the one with the pink lanyard and not in a crew shirt, because I was actually at the venue early to do something else and got distracted... You did great! And your sunny disposition made waiting in line much more enjoyable than it otherwise would have been
  14. The volunteers overall do an exellent job and deserve but the highest praise.
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