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Everything posted by jess8619

  1. I'd so join a Team Bower! Gotta support my locals! LOL.
  2. Thank you so much! This was my last ET and it definately was amazing. <3 Thanks for all the other cons you do too!
  3. Ahahaha, just had a little laugh to myself about him telling the people in the "cheap seats" to behave. I can remember his face, voice EVERYTHING when he said it. Ahhhh. xD
  4. I really hope there is one, as there wasn't one for ET2 which was such a shame. But if they do I hope they leave in the whole Crazy Frog thing, they probably won't because Jamie said the F-word but my god, that was funny.
  5. I thought the questions asked at talks were fine. If anything, it was the guests themselves making them, erm...shall we say inappropriate? xD Which, in my opinion, only made it more entertaining. Besides, at ET1 people were complaining about the "boring" questions. The gaps in between questions did seem kinda long, but the fact that all the guests were geuinely laughing and none of it seemed false I felt didn't make it at all uncomfortable. I doubt everyone wants to sit through really professional, clean cut talks - you can look those up online. Sure, the crude - slightly cringey stuff isn't for everyone but it adds great humour and the talks (adding more of a personal reason here) were the only reason I stayed for the whole of Sunday. Otherwise I would've gone home at lunch because I was feeling so ill. xD [/rant]
  6. Ahahaha, ahhh he did make me laugh. xD
  7. There were a couple of guys walking round taking pictures throughout the con, just wondering if we'll get to see those pictures as I know I was in a few of them...
  8. ahahaha! Lesley your photos are awesome! Kiowa and Chris! BAHA! ^.^
  9. I liked the photoshoots queue because while you were queuing you got to see everyone else infront of you have their's done, which was fun!
  10. Haha, yeah he told Tinsel not to do it too lol
  11. Not really, he had his hood up and did mingle with a few people so probably just looked like more of an atendee than Kiowa.
  12. Kiowa came to Saturday nights party...trust me, I know...xD
  13. Whoops, I meant 5. xD Also: "I Jest, I Jest!" LOVED THAT!
  14. I don't think I have a favourite out of all the 5 guests. However, JCB was hilarious and a real gentleman. I told him about how my sister had just started at Beadales and he was like "Oh Bless her, I hope she does well there - it's a great school" I always love it when famous people have something to do with where I live. xD And apparently I do a pretty good impression of him...
  15. Thing is a lot of the time he wasn't trying to make people laugh. He was just being him, being lucky enough to have some contact with Charlie it really shocks me that sometimes people view him like that lol People need to remember the guy has ADD too. HIGHFIVE on the love though <333 He was at his funniest when he wasn't trying to make people laugh and the jokes just came naturally. And I'm very glad I met he because he was so nice *High fives back* xD Also, the ADD thing shouldn't make much of a difference when it comes to what people think of him - my best friend has ADD and she's exactly like Charlie. Can't keep still for 2 minutes.
  16. I think Charlie is just a typical British lad with lots of charm. He was really sweet at the autos and was happy to pout and make peace signs like an idiot at my photoshoot with him. He was really nice to all the cute kids as well. I did think sometimes he needed to tone it down a bit at the talks, as there were a few moments where he'd talk over other guests and fail at making the audience laugh. But other than that, I loved him!
  17. Here are mine, for some reason my scanner would only scan my Charlie photo, so the others aren't great quality. :S (After the whole shutting eyes incident xD ) I did get one with Tinsel but my eyes are half shut and I'm not smiling. :/
  18. Thought of a few more... Charlie doing his drunken party trick, then Kiowa having a go but falling flat on his face. HAHA, bless him. And also, did anyone who went to ET2 see the "Dead or Alive?" reference, I had a little laugh to myself about that.
  19. I'll try my best with feedback : Guests ~ Everyone was amazing. Jamie's talk on his own was definately my favourite and he was geuinely so nice. Kiowa seemed a bit overwhelmed to begin with but seemed to relax more during talks, especially with Tinsel and came out with some great one liners. Venue ~ The venue was huge, when I first arrived I couldn't find registration for about 10 minutes so I think maybe a few more signs could've been helpful. It did feel a lot less claustrophobic and it was a really nice hotel. I thought the talks (and party) hall was really nice and big, and great to run around in in the early hours. Parties ~ I only went to Friday and Saturday. Saturday's was probably the best as it seemed a lot more relaxed and the fair ground games were fun. I didn't really have a problem with any of the attendees. Aha, that was a bit of a rubbish feedback.
  20. I was in the queue Oh god, bet we looked a right pair. Ahaha. >.<
  21. What were your favourite moments from the weekend? I have quite a few... I was getting my photo done with Jamie and the guy took like 5 photos because they weren't coming out right then he made me stand to the side and screw my eyes shut tight for 2 minutes, then he took me back to Jamie and made me do it again - so Jamie goes "I'll do it with you, shall we do it together?" (As in the shutting eyes thing) so infront of all these other people queing we're there with our eyes shut tight and then the photographer counted down from 3 and we opened them again so in our photo we look a bit dazed. Haha, he was so lovely. Was anyone in the queue when that happened by any chance? Also, my sister goes to Beadales, the school he used to go to so when I went to get my autograph we talked about that for a little bit and he gave me this massive grin which was lovely. xD And on Saturday night I followed Kiowa round like a shadow for half a minute until he did a half turn to talk to someone so I turned around too. xD Such a good weekend! Your turn...lol
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