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  1. Any and all would be good
  2. As long as you got pauley parterre I'd be there, well would order lfcc to cm as cm has kinda gone downhill for me personally. How's about donald bellisario for a talk?
  3. Whoops mobile Internet sucks didn't show all the posts! Mel smith should be pretty easy to get peter falk would be fantastic
  4. Smallvillr was green lit for 2 more seasons so your stuck with it for 2 more years minimum several of the actors listed have done signings before. Rosenbaum last year had a massive que, wellings is unlkely as is kruiek but mac and the other supports would be easily getble probably Smallvillr was green lit for 2 more seasons so your stuck with it for 2 more years minimum several of the actors listed have done signings before. Rosenbaum last year had a massive que, wellings is unlkely as is kruiek but mac and the other supports would be easily getble probably
  5. Erm you do realise chris serandon was at the lfcc who was the main bad guy in The Princes Bride? So they've already done as you asked :-p fred savages career is in the toilet so chance are you could get him
  6. Well burton, bonam cart and depp all live in London so wouldnt be too much of a stretch.
  7. I know Dean and sCott do eevry quantum leap convention that happen stateside(this year they were there as well as most of the major bit actors and the creator, form what i heard it was great). so getting dean shouldnt be that expensive especially as he isnt doing BDG any more
  8. I met Cullen once at Botcon and his que was rediculous but he took the time to talk to every person and pose for a photo, fantastic guy (he signed my UK animated movie DVD as did Gregg Berger, Wierd Al Yancovich and got Lenard Nimoy at Collectomania). Mark Ryan had no que when I saw him at botcon(managed to get my TF bay movie signed by him and the writers). Actually they were really nice guys too, LFCC should get them along they would be a huge draw.
  9. For a start f I did met some one my girlfriend would have killed me and second most of the Women there were very young so completely off limits if under 21.
  10. It would help if half you people figured out actually talking to women means they may actually like you rather than sitting there staring or offerign "Free Hugs(chirst that is perhaps the single most disturbing and perverted thing ever done). There was some very scary people there
  11. very doubtful but you never know
  12. I did get 2 instead of 1! Got a decent pic with him too. Yes but he did do alot of FREE autographs for local school kids and visited a couple of schools. I worked the Con so saw him twice, but never got to meet him. I actually met his daughter, she is really nice and not too hard on the old eyes, even if Kenny Bakers son was trying to hit on her, rather unsuccesfully.
  13. Ill begrudgingly second this but I shant be bringing my girlfriend as she might try to grab the acto who plays Dean and runa way with him
  14. Never would happen but it would certainly mean it would be a busy event
  15. Man of a thosand voices from cult favourites: Transformers, Gi Joe, Dino Riders, various Disney movies, Scooby Doo amongst others.
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