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Everything posted by maegurwen

  1. that middle row is me in general.middle left when I'm tired
  2. Awesome. I've mostly been looking for tenth doctor pops. And then bought some gaming pops as well
  3. Anyone added to their collection?
  4. Not sure why but my brain aways thought that was widely known.
  5. Its perfectly fine to think that. I think it was two different sellers this time though.
  6. Of pop's in general or doctor who?
  7. that is very useful. Glad to know that I'm paying roughly the right price for my doctor who pops. yikes. Reminds me of less than a month ago when I ws looking for a dvd. £199 one person was charging on amazon for it, so I bought the dvd off ebay for way less.
  8. I agree. Some things are insane price's so its best to look around for a better offer.
  9. Its the one with David Tennant. Funnily enough both were out the same year.
  10. Casanova. It is a series that I had meant to get round to sooner but didn't until recently. Very interesting series with a few laughs and a sort of sad ending.
  11. Yeah, pretty much. I got three autos back in 2011 and I think two were without and one with .
  12. I ended up adding to my doctor who pops, the collection so far consists of: missy,9 with banana, 13, 10 after regeneration , 10 (not received this one yet) and an adipose.. So long as there is space. Someone saw my collection and moaned at me.(mind you I don't think it would stop me buying pops....)
  13. happy birthday, hope you had a wonderful one. Or dare i say "Fantastic" one
  14. I already have at least 60 odd pop funko's. I succumbed ages ago. Missy wasn't the only pop funko I bought...
  15. I may have just eneded up buying one of these.....
  16. were we supposed to enjoy twitter?
  17. Broadchurch S1- Originally I think I got to S2 E1 when it originally aired then I kind of got distracted and didn't watch the rest. Found out there are three series so decided to re-watch series 1.
  18. I switched over to the switch so I kind of have a limits amount of games right now. Crash Bandicoot trilogy- played this on the ps1 originally and realized that I missed playing this. Just as hard to play as the first time round. Well, mainly on the being chased levels. Pokémon lets go pikachu- interesting. The only thing that annoys me about it is evolving a metapod and not getting confusion as a move, which puts me at a standstill.... Just dance 2017&2019- self explanatory. Infectious madness of Doctor Dekker- Interesting characters. Final Fantasy 7- After starting to play it I realized how much I missed playing it. Also the 3x speed is handy when it involves alot of running. Have been contemplating the remastered version but some things put me off. Final Fantasy 8(remastered)- was surprised to see this one when I bought it mainly because the master copy of it was lost. So far it just looks as though the characters look more "in focus" so hopefully it plays the same as it did on ps1
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