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Everything posted by Fader

  1. i only want one autograph but lfacc is usually the best for stalls and displays and stuff, so it'll still rule (hopefully)
  2. the 1st few peeps will be getting alot o free stuff (too bad i'll prob be 10,001th) thought there might be some sort of things mentioned today...jeff wayne huh? dude loves these shin digs
  3. you know why that is... coz they're filming stargate shows RIGHT NOW it's one of the only shows thats still running and the actors are still in it who appear at cons..no "buffy extra" people here who have no work coming in.
  4. i figured most people will "do the off" at 4pm or just before. if i remember there are a few bars and stuff in there...they'll prob have it on
  5. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! what did i say!? what did i say?! i knew from day one the stargate women would cancel (yeah...i'm guessing rachel will soon...i guess i'm turning into a "convention half empty" kinda guy) damn sean and now torri....only 1 guest left for me to meet! looks like it will be a cheap weekend on the guest front...i'll have to spend me money on dvds and stuff now.
  6. dont forget the time diffrence. it was 911 days from the us day of 9/11 to the spainish day of madrid (errr or something like that)
  7. woah - all of them were the same dude, guy must love dr who
  8. man, its this dudes 3rd appearence at a con in as many months..but at collectormania it was feldman i was trying to meet but couldnt...why cant feldman do as many as haim. boo hoo
  9. dude, BRILLIANT band, i have all of their studio albums. one of my favourite groups fo sure. and that song rules.
  10. Poseidon is one of his bad films id say. The big 3 are now indeed down to 2. dude actually proper said in an interview on a "making of poseidon" that he did it just coz of the money "mythical money" he said
  11. they wouldnt but i'm hoping they'll replace him with the deadzones main man Anthony Michael hall ("dont you...forget about me") or kristin dalton maaaaaaaaaaaybe
  12. Fader

    No more Rose

    i just read that somewhere...although my bruvva said to me yesterday i just didnt beleieve him its good though..like david tennett joining,the new companion means each new season has something to draw in fans and make it diffrent from the last, no buffy style "same ol' same ol' syndrome" i heard a while back the last ep was gonna be cybermen vs daleks ... but i think that may have been fanboys dreaming (would be pretty cool though)
  13. lol! if thats the song from eurotrip (i'm guessing it must be) that song kicks ass!
  14. i'm hoping the replacement guests are more page 3 chicks looks like "the big 3" is now "the big 2" the fact it was the big 3 lets ya know how many peeps are probarly crying enough to fill up the poseidon (ohhh reference)
  15. *ahem* wish i hadnt said he was the one person i wanted to meet in that thread now...ohh well...at the risk of jinxing it at least the stargate gals are still here...and showmasters allways announces new guest when one cancels....usually
  16. anything by Tori Amos gets my vote. she's soooo kooky and strange with her videos they usually kick ass. among the best are "a sorta fairytale" and "1000 oceans" yeah i'm a guy and a HUGE Tori Amos fan...what of it
  17. i'm listening to anything and everything by nickelback, damn band are my new favourite (can you guess who i saw live on saturday...heres a clue....it rhymes with nickelback )
  18. anyone here familiar with the american comedy powerhouse that is saturday night live (or am i just to damn american wannabe) its not shown over here i dont think but there best of dvds out (i have the will ferrell and adam sandler ones, and the "surprisngly brilliant" alec baldwin one on region 1) most of my fav comedy actors (adam sandler, david spade, rob schneider, chris farley, will ferell etc..) started out on there and they usually make movies together and stuff. anyone familiar with it?
  19. much like most people in this thread i'm defo going saturday, but more than likely sunday too like last time. lfacc comes but once a year so i milk 'um dry
  20. i think the meant the dude was being sarcastic when he said fog was better than serenity. he waxed lyrical about summer glau and meeting joss whedon/nathan and summer b4 (that was him right?) ....well hopefully. the maggie episode of lost was great (shock ending too)
  21. what, like those signs you see that have a tropical paradise on them, and if you stand in front of it and take a photo people think your in bemuda instead of kingstone town.
  22. on a slightly diffrent note. i actually saw last boy scout on the recommendations on here, cheers nicky, that film was ace! loads of good action and funnier than most comedies. "i'll stick an umbrella up your ass and open it" "she told me to look out for a pimp looking ****er in a hat" "your wifes school picture was an aerial photo" and many, many more, i've said it b4, but'll say it again bruce willis is a LEGEND and off the back of that i brought the lethal weapon boxset....ho hum
  23. ^^ what stevie said ^^ that would actually be the best photo shoot possible. i hope they let me take photos with them when i get their sigs (some events dont let you..but thats what i like about meeting celebs...proof)
  24. only 1 other person has said him, but Sean Patrick Flannery. i'm a HUGE deadzone fan (and boondock saints is damn classic too). also rachel and tori are a close second. arrrghhh and maggie. too...many....good guests.....it's c8 all over again
  25. they had that playing in the fountain bit of the centre mk today on a big screen (yeah i went to mk 2 days in a row...its that good)
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