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Everything posted by Lozzy

  1. I honestly can't speak highly enough of Andy, I've met him once and he is just an absolutely fantastic guy and a wonderful guest and I would LOVE to meet him again Laura x
  2. I'm with you, Spookie! It would be fantastic to meet Robert- Doggett and Reyes are my very favourite X-Files characters, and from what people are saying he'd be an exemplary guest ROBERT PATRICK FOR C8 pleeease!! Can I ask for Annabeth Gish (Reyes) too? Laura x
  3. ooooh that's a tough one.... I'll have to write better explanations tommorrow or something because I have to be up at 5.30 for work experience, but in brief: what made my weekend: Ron Perlman's reaction when I told him that I was studying Occupational Therapy at uni and was on my first work experience placement and that I wanted to thank him because basically it was Vincent and Beauty and the Beast that first made me decide I wanted to work with people like that. He didn't say anything; he just stopped signing, sort of sat back, looked at me like he was genuinely really impressed, and just wordlessly went to shake my hand and shook my hand really warmly. And he didn't need to say anything; I just knew he knew exactly what I meant and how important it was; and we both just knew we understood the same thing about the character, without saying anything. It was a pretty awesome few moments Getting hugged by John Barrowman aka Captain Jack and being able to say thanks for keeping me sane through these tough, intense weeks that are hospital placement:D Finally meeting Billy Boyd and the fact he couldn't have been any sweeter and being able to say thanks for being part of what's got me through pretty much everything Nearly chickening out of meeting Adrian Paul but not and then him being really fantastic Laura x
  5. Helloo:) I'm going for: Ron Perlman, Billy Boyd John Barrowman Matthew Wood Beauty and the Beast, LotR, Doctor Who and Star Wars- all my favourites covered:D Laura x
  6. Hiya! I am a really x infinite big fan of Orlando Bloom, so I went up to the London premier of Kingdom of Heaven; I got up there at 11 (and dragged my poor long-suffering sister Spookie up too! We decided to wait in different places; her in the second row along the main bit, and me the front row of a side-wing, and she got his autograph!!!:D:D) and to cut a long story short, after like eight hours, standing in a place I wasn't even sure he would even come down because it wasn't like the main bit, *screams* Orlando came down our little wing, signing loads of stuff, but he missed mine. I know it's really sad, but it was one of those moments that you feel like your entire life is going to be made or broken in the next few seconds. And it hits me that, after waiting 8 hours, it's suddenly looking hideously likely I'm just going to go home with absolutely nothing. And Orlando is moving up, signing, and getting steadily further away. And I had decided earlier that if it was kind of a choice between handshake and autograph, I would TOTALLY prefer a handshake. So I reach out my hand as far as I can and call out to him; bear in mind there is like a million people screaming at this point and he's busy signing as many autographs he can. And the first couple of times he didn't hear me, but then the third time, he stopped signing our bit to move on to the next side, and he heard me and right, ORLANDO BLOOM turns back, looks right at me with a really big smile as he reaches out and takes my hand and holds it tightly for a couple of seconds. So, right, this is ME, squished against a rail in Leicester Square, surrounded by squillions of screaming people, with just the biggest grin you have ever seen in your life plastered across my face, holding hands with Orlando Bloom. Afterwards, I sort of hoarsely go to the 2 girls standing next to me (we'd kept eachother sane for 8 hours so we'd sort of bonded:) ) 'he shook my hand' and they're like 'wow, go you- did you get an autograph?' and when I said no, I don't think they could understand that I completely didn't care not getting an autograph at all one bit and that I personally felt that mine was, to me, totally better. 'Perfect moment' just doesn't cover it. I was still actually literally shaking in lectures the next morning. Guessing that gives my answer to the question sorry for long post! Laura x
  7. Although there's not a huge number of guests yet, I put good because I was prepared to go just for Ron Perlman, and now they have got Billy Boyd who I've really wanted to meet for AGES and John Barrowman from Doctor Who so I'm going to meet some fantastic people from 3 of my favourite Film/TV programs, so although I would love them to announce some more great guests, I am already a very happy bunny Laura x
  8. ooh why didn't I think of that? thankyou guys, hopefully I'll get to put them up soon, although I'm on work experience from Wednesday for 6 1/2 weeks eeek! Laura x
  9. Hi Leana! Your pics are great, and really clear:) Wow you met so many people! I especially love the one you got together with Sean Astin! So cool!! I've got to wait til I can buy a scanner before I put up my photos *sniff* lol Laura:)
  10. I know this is a bit belated, but I finally have the time to write stuff on here cos I've finished all my uni assignments now! I met: John Rhys Davies- very charming and courteous; a gentleman Sean Astin- total sweetheart Bernard Hill- nice, but a bit rushed which wasn't his fault Ray Park- absolutely top man, see my post under the 'nice guests' thread:D Lawrence Makoare- very cool guy, great to see him again! It was my first time at Collectormania, and it was fantastic:D Laura
  11. Yeah, I'm going just for Ron Gotta meet Vincent!! (Beauty and the Beast) With my 6ft poster...
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