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Everything posted by kegan5

  1. It started randomly snowing in London last night, big fat bloblets but didn't stick... still though it's just annoying and unless I have skis attached to my feet it should just go back to the North Pole.
  2. I keep trying to pack in my head, but no idea what I'm taking so so far I've imaginary packed Zilch Nada Nothing :S
  3. I don't drink so you won't I'll be the sober one making sure lots of photos are taken so people can be reminded of things the morning after Fab, I'm not the only one who doesn't drink then! Woohoo! I dont drink.. Heh me neither <3
  4. Oh maybe it is just per day then, hope so :)
  5. Think I might speed eat to get back for the signing on Friday, hmmm. Not liking this keep your seat you get at opening ceremony for the whole weekend malarky, I rarely go into the opening ceremony MEH!
  6. Its a chance to have a more private questions and answer session with the guests, so there's normally 12 people in total + a guest and you can ask them questions etc :) EDIT: Davids answer was better than mine
  7. Gold pass people get the first few rows of seating in talks thats all :)
  8. I think someone at proms asked for a biting picture, and almost got launched at by people around the guests soooo I'm assuming biting is a no.
  9. Think of fun poses, some work some don't but its more fun than the arm around shoulder ones sometimes :) x
  10. Think I should invest in one of these
  11. David has pretty much answered this question, or at least given those who haven't received their tickets a back up plan xx
  12. Depends on how much you want to spend really, but if you ignore the hotel cost which you'd need to cover and your food, you could take £10 and buy some photo's or you could take £1000 and have money to bid in the auction (assuming there is an auction). I would just take what you can afford x
  13. Ah Volturi lovingness Thankyou :D:D! Amazing well done SM xx
  14. A lot of these themes have already been done at previous Eternal Twilight events, I'd like to see something new and fun :) Baseball Game - Done Volturi Ball - Done Newborn Vampires - Being Done La Push Campfire - Done Civil War - Done La Push Reservation - it's pretty much the same as the campfire one :) Final Confrontation (Breaking Dawn) <-- could be cool like Muggle Mayhem where people were split into Hogwarts Houses, we could be split into Nomad, Volturi etc
  15. Mine is still saying viewed but the money has gone out of my acct so I am presuming it`s ok Ah thankyou maybe I missed it on my account will have another look
  16. Argh why does it still say Viewed, I'm tired of watching my account to make sure the ticket amount is covered. I assume viewed means payment hasn't been taken yet?
  17. heh yes <3 I'd never watched any thing Hannah or Miley related until we flew to LA in the summner, the movie was on the list of films to watch so I avoided it for a while and then thought I might as well just watch it :) Soooo I repeated it 3 times and had mum doing parts of the hoedown throwdown in our seats ha ha, have to say as cheesy as she is I love that film
  18. Birmingham International is the nearest airport, the hotel run a free shuttle bus service to the hotel would need to double check hilton website for times of the bus I guess but think they run every half hour? The opening ceremony is usally around 6pm, but you don't HAVE to be there... the gold drinks reception is usually around 7/7:30 which you would want to be at as its part of the Gold package you pay for. They'll normally give an idea of times before the event anyway so you'll have a better idea x
  19. I'm not sure which surprise your referring to but if you mean what you receive with your pack, Gold usually get a mug, or tshirt... and the room gift at the proms was a postcard I believe? It seems to vary slightly soooooooooo my post was kind of pointless heh sorry xx
  20. Quick Question mine still says viewed + my account had my old phone number on, I've updated it but wondered if there were problems would Jola get the phone number I updated or the old one that was in there when I got the ticket?
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