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Too Tall

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Everything posted by Too Tall

  1. Thanks David. I'll see if any of the Admins reply but I assume you're right.
  2. When I registered I was given the message that I would have to wait to use my account until it was approved by the administrator. I would then be sent a mail to confirm this. I never received this mail. After about 12 hours I tried logging on anyway and I was able to and could post and start threads, so I assumed all was fine. But I have just found that some of the features (PMing and email) don't work. I get an error message saying I don't have permission to use them. It says in the help files to PM an admin if you have a problem with your account, and I can't PM them because that's the problem, I can't PM
  3. I agree, I think they did over do Tom. My fav bit of the film had to be Ron waking from his nightmare about the spiders telling him to tap dance. Makes me smile everytime I think about it
  4. Collectormania isn't a convention as such. It's a large number of stalls selling movie/tv items, comics and autographs set up in the Milton Keynes shopping centre. With these there are also the signing stands, where for £10-£20 you can meet and get the actors autograph. If it's not busy you can get to meet them for free (but no autographs for free). As Dave says there are no dinners. There are talks, but these are in a local cinema and you don't get a one to one with any of the actors, you can ask them questions, but from the audience. These talks are normally around £20 a ticket. Dave has mantioned the Xscape a couple of time this is a leisure complex not too far from the main shopping centre that has the local cinema, a ski slope, bowling alley and a large number of resturants. The shopping centre has fast food as well. Stuart.
  5. Too Tall


    I'm a computer consultant for an international IT firm. Jog - Conveyancing is the legal part of moving house (house deeds, money tranfers, contracts of sale).
  6. Shepseskaf - You're right moth are attracted to what appears to them to be the darkest place. Because they're looking at the light it looks to them that the darkest place is just outside of where the light ends. Why they go for people? My guess would be that we reflect a lot of light. If they don't have a light to fly towards they go for the next best thing, YOU reflecting light (moon light or another light coming from somewhere that they can't see). My other thought is that they like your clothes or maybe your fabric conditioner Just a thought......
  7. Sorry Kirsty, did mean to scare you, you mean this one. The vote's not over until Sunday, but it's 14th or 15th August. http://showmastersonline.com/forums/index....=9842&hl=willen
  8. I'd love for the Weasley to be gryffindor's heir. But it would actually be Arthur who would be the heir, it's alway the oldest living male that is the heir to a families title, not the youngest. I think it will be Harry though, but through his mother's side (it's always been assumed that Lilly was the freak in the family, but what if Aunt Patunia was the freak, for being a squib!!!!!!)
  9. It's tomorrow... http://showmastersonline.com/forums/index....=ST&f=19&t=9614
  10. porkfat - why do you think they live by the sea I grow up by the sea but had to move away in the end because of work. I miss it at times, we don't have much sea in MK.... As the great Ferris Bueller once said: Life moves quickly, if you don't stop and look around once in a while you'll miss it!
  11. Ginny: "His PANTS are as green as a fresh pickled toad With stains as dark as a blackboard, I wish he was mine, they really smell fine, The grundies who conquered the dark lord." Dumbledore: "I seem to remember telling you both that I would have to expel you if you broke any more school PANTS" Moody: "'Course Dumbledore trusts you. He's a trusting man, isn't he? Believes in second chances. But me, I say there are PANTS that don't come off, Snape. PANTS that never come off, know what I mean?"
  12. Gender? Male Age? 25-30 Which of these trainer brands do you prefer? Nike When considering purchase, what most attracts you to a pair of trainers? Features How much would you be willing to pay for a pair of trainers? £40+ Which of these features attracts you the most when buying trainers? comfort Which of these styles do you prefer? sport Which of these shades do you prefer? Dark Which of these colours do you prefer? Black Where do you buy your trainers from? sports shop Which of the following names do you prefer for a pair of trainers? (This will be like a sub-brand, like Converse "AllStar") Reflex Hope this helps you out. Just a small note: you've missed out ages 31-34 on your age question.
  13. Also I think having Forum Quidditch teams' a great idea. I'd like to know when you're going to play so I can come along a watch.
  14. If you read this (top of the second page), Kyle Longbottom's comment makes a bit more sense. http://showmastersonline.com/forums/index....t=ST&f=9&t=8557 I agree Kyle does need help though.
  15. torres, Yes Voldy's dad was called Tom Riddle too. The person that died in the scene you are talking about was Voldy's dad "Tom Riddle senior", along with Voldy's grandparents. PS. If you hadn't guest, it was Voldy that killed them. Stuart.
  16. Ask Alfonso It's obviuosly an art thing.
  17. It wasn't a mistake it was deliberate, some of the scenes in the DADA class were filmed as if you were looking into the mirror and so at times Harry's scar was on his left.
  18. It was because some of the scenes in the DADA class were filmed as if you were looking into the mirror and so at times Harry's scar was on his left. It was deliberate. This is a quote from a film mistakes website: "Please note: Harry's scar does NOT change sides in the boggart scene - various shots in that scene are filmed in a mirror." Stuart.
  19. It would be great but you'd have to get there at 5am on all 3 days to get all three sigs
  20. Sorting PANTS would have been very funny. Lupin "Harry, I recognised you the second I saw you on the train, you have your mothers PANTS" Sirius Black "You should have died! Died rather than betray your PANTS, as we would have done for you!" Tom Riddle "Voldemort...is my PANTS, present and future..." Arthur Weasley "Never trust anything that can think for itself, if you can't see where it keeps its PANTS." - Very good advise I think Dumbledore "It is our PANTS Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." Sirius Black "If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his PANTS, not his equals." Ron "Hearing PANTS no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the wizarding world." Dumbledore "Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the PANTS that are worst for them."
  21. Dumbledore does walk down a flight of stairs, not disappear. I thought this anyway, but I saw the film a second time yesterday and I checked.
  22. I've voted no. I disagree with you Rickman101, 'cause as at the end of the day it's a childrens story not a teen horror movie
  23. Sirius - I don't beleive he'll come back to life, but I do think he'll communicate with Harry in some way. Either through the mirror or the veil at the MoM. Lupin - I too think it is too must of a conisidence that wormtail has a silver hand and Lupin is a werewolf. But I think Wormtail will betray Voldie in the end (because of his debt to Harry, if not just because he'll realise it's the right thing to do). It maybe that we will be lead to believe Lupin is dead (Wormtail will tell Voldie he's killed him) but Lupin will come back at the end to save Harry. As for Harry's end, I'm very torn. On the one hand I agree that because he has a connect with Voldie that he will have to prehaps end his own life to stop Voldie. But then again I can't beleive the JK wouldn't do that to the fans. Stuart.
  24. Nicky, I don't have anything to do with the production business, but the advise I'm giving is about going for any job. You really should do you're homework before you go. When looking for any job you need to know the market. You have to stand out to a prespective employer. Most production companies will have a vision/a style and will want to know that you understand it. One of the first questions any company is going to ask you is "Why do you want to work for us?". Do a search on the net for production companies with offices in London and find out a bit about them. Knowing what their about could mean the difference between a second interview and a CV in the bin. Stuart.
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