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**Little Miss Brandybuck**

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Everything posted by **Little Miss Brandybuck**

  1. My friend and I are planning to start a website about Elijah, Billy, Sean and Dom but arent very imaginative when it comes to domain names! We thought we may get some inspiration if we asked you all! If you have any ideas post them here it would be appreciated, thanx! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  2. We want Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan and Tom Felton!!!!!
  3. This time last week I was waiting in Paddington train staition to go home I was feeling a bit sad, but still on a complete high from meeting Billy just a few hours ago *sigh* the memories! Still a bit glum now thinking about how much I'd rather be back in London than stuck all the way down here in Devon doing college work Anyway, not long now til C5!!!!!!! xxxxxx
  4. Right I remember that and he was doing an impression of Orlando, "oh no babes, oh no babes." Or something like that as he's demonstrating how they went down. That was a good talk, I'm sorry talk 2 on Sunday wasn't as entertaining, I'm sure everyone was quite tired, including the guests. Cheers! oh yeah that was funny can u rememba the name of that made up game he was goin on bout, the one where they confused elija. was it teg or tag or summit like that That game is TIG!! They mention it on the DVD and it sounds hilarious!! They were making up rules and everyone was constantly getting it right and they would tell Elijah he was always doing it wrong, they said they forgot to tell Elijah it was a trick and ages later Elijah asks them "Hey, why do we never play tig anymore??" That was so funny! xxxxxxxxxx which dvd is it on? It's on the extended Fellowship of the Ring DVD, you should watch it I thought it was hilarious the first time I saw it!! Poor Elijah!! They made up so many games, they are all so pointless but so funny, I love that! Also after they explain Tig on the DVD Billy says something about all the games they made up being on this website and he makes up a site name, so me being really gullible tried to find this site, and it was some random guy who wanted to promote a small budget film he had made and took advantage of Billy saying this made up name!! So just to say that site doesnt exist-- but then everybody but me probably got Billy's sarcasm! xxxxx
  5. I have so many great memories of London its hard to think of one that stands out above the rest! Here's some that spring to mind: 1) Meeting Billy after a long long wait and anticipation was fantastic, I broke my camera which was terrible but as bad as that was it turned into a great thing as I was lucky enough to be able to meet him again and have a photo, he was so lovely and understanding when I was a bit upset, I will never forget him for being the sweetest person ever!! (PippinsLady- with you on that Polo thing, that was a highlight for me too! I'll never think of Polos in the same way!) 2) Andy doing a Gollum/ Smeagol impression while doing the auction, that was great, how many people can say they have seen Andy act like that right in front of them!! 3) Exchanging stories with people we met and made friends with is a great memory. There's tonns more I remember but I wont ramble! xxxxxxxxxxxx
  6. I thought I would be the only one who was sad, its really bad, I dont know why this has happened, it never has before. I thought it was strange that I felt like I really missed Billy, as in all I probably spent no more than 5 minutes with him, but I do and its because I had such a fantastic, fun, sureal weekend and I've never done anything like it before. It was amazing and I still want to go back! *sob sob* I cant wait til C5 but am also quite scared I will have to go through this horrible post-event depression again Miss everything about it. To Pippins Lady, your welcome!!! I knew we had to get be motivated, you helped me too!! To RachiePachie, I dont know you but I think its really bad that you feel as if people's dissapointment is down to you, Its not, I saw you doing your job and I thought you were lovely (thankyou for taking a pic of me and Lovely lovely Billy!) Chin up chicadee!! Forget all of the negative comments and remember all of the good things you experienced ok? I hope you can enjoy Billy's work again soon as I think that is terrible you feel upset everytime you see him, try to stay happy and I hope you help at other events as you did a fantastic job!! Hope this helps. Luv Clare xxxxx
  7. Im fine at the mo, but somehow my brother who didnt attend LFACC has just come down with a bad cold. hmmm maybe I carry the germ but am immune yay me!! Hope the rest of you poor people get better soon and well in time for C5!!! I know what you all mean, I actually got shouted at for being really depressed about coming home from London!! I cant wait for C5, normal everday life is nothing compared to being away from home meeting all of these fantastic people and having an unbelieveable time!! Dont be glum everyone, chin up it'll come around quicker than you know!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  8. Yeah we should keep in touch! I think you should both come to collectormainia, Becky and I have to scrape a load of money together as we are all spent out after LFACC!! But we are desperate to go! Hello Callum! Have fun talking about Andy at school, make everyone jealous, not many people will have met their stars!! I babysat for one little boy the other day, he loves Lord of the Rings, so mean as I am I decided to take my pics over to show him hee hee! nah he loved them!! Anyways speak soon Luv Clare xxxx
  9. Wow good luck with Gimli, thats great!!! My dog is just called Millie, I hereby re-christen her................Billy!!! I suppose it rhymes! Oh dear very sad, oh well he is the man of the moment!! It's my dog I can do what I want hee hee!! xxxxxxxx
  10. He certainly does!!! He is a great person and I think most people who met him have gone away in complete admiration. Love you Billy xxxxxxxxxxxx
  11. Yeah that would be a great idea, I was meeting Andy and I dropped all my bags, posters and coat all over the floor right in front of him, I felt like such an idiot down on the floor trying to gather everything together quickly so the queue could keep moving. When I met Billy I just dumped all my things on the table next to him, it seemed fine at the time but looking back Billy may have thought it was really rude (I would hate it if he did) Dont get me wrong he wasnt completely covered with all my things, its prob just me being paranoid!! Anyways back to the point--Lockers would be helpful if they are practical for the SM. xxx
  12. Hey, of course I remember you! I had a fantastic time with you at LFACC. I remember when you spilt hot chocolate down your white jumper, sorry all I could do was laugh- it would happen to you though wouldnt it!! I wonder what Billy thought of it? That picture of you with him is hilarious!! I cant wait til LFACC 2. Bring it on! Luv me xxxx
  13. Obviously your comment is WAY out of line here... I was also a bit annoyed about not being able to take a pic (but I admit that I got someone else to stand in the part where the autographs were being signed for a pic of Billy) but I was in the first 200 hundred to get a meeting with Billy (along with my 7 year old son) and the pics had JUST been stopped before us.... BUT at that time Billy wasn't as tired as he was later, and I found him to be absolutely charming and he asked my son questions as we got a bit star struck lol and went very quiet......unusual for me.....and he offered Callum a photo - though I didn't take one. I find your comments about him being an *------* offensive, you don't know him to say that and it's most insulting to say that behind someone's back anyway. Billy DID fly straight in from L.A to come and meet and greet us fans - and it doesn't matter about which class he flew in, there is such a thing as TIME difference concerned here and for God's sake he's only human!! He could have done a Denethor and took him self off after lunch and not signed any more but he didn't - he carried on AND stayed for the talks too. Yes, I wish I had had longer with Billy AND taken a photo, but at the end of the day I still met him :) POPPY : It's Lisa!!! (Callum says HELLO!!!!) I understand totally what you are saying (I warned you about the photo's didn't I!! lol) and would have been just a miffed if I had felt that I had qued up and not got what I had hoped for (and I know it wasn't directly shot at Billy even if some people don't!) Hey Brandinschick, Remember me?? My friend and I were sat behind you in saturday talk 1, you were so lovely about helping us decide whether to go to that party or not, we decided not to go in the end! Say hello to your son from us, I bet he loved Andy in the talk!! We certainly did. I totally agree with what you said about there being a time difference from LA to here, it doesnt matter what class you fly in, 9 hours time difference WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! Anyways maybe see you at collectormainia? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  14. Right I remember that and he was doing an impression of Orlando, "oh no babes, oh no babes." Or something like that as he's demonstrating how they went down. That was a good talk, I'm sorry talk 2 on Sunday wasn't as entertaining, I'm sure everyone was quite tired, including the guests. Cheers! oh yeah that was funny can u rememba the name of that made up game he was goin on bout, the one where they confused elija. was it teg or tag or summit like that That game is TIG!! They mention it on the DVD and it sounds hilarious!! They were making up rules and everyone was constantly getting it right and they would tell Elijah he was always doing it wrong, they said they forgot to tell Elijah it was a trick and ages later Elijah asks them "Hey, why do we never play tig anymore??" That was so funny! xxxxxxxxxx
  15. Thats so far away! I cant wait to go to LFACC2, number 1 was so much fun! I still havent got back into 'everyday' mode I wana go back to London! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  16. (I know I'm abit late replying to this post, but I read it yesterday and assumed someone would have already replied. They hadn't and so here I am!) Did you actually meet Billy? You sound as thought you haven't. If this is the case, you have no right to judge him as a 'primadonna', which he certainly is not. Billy had a bad day. So what. He's human. First class makes little if any difference to the way you fly so thats no reason to be nasty about someone you've not even met. True, Billy wasn't his usual self, but he came straight from the airport to see as many fans as possible. He tried to please everyone and be happy with them but obviously as the day went exhaustion overtook his happy side. And what someone said about Billy not enjoying himself... he must enjoy himself to have done so many cons and such. I mean I'm aware that money will have something to do with it, but if he really didn't like them he simply wouldnt do them. Don't get me wrong, I didn't have the greatest Billy experience either, but that wasn't down to Billy. And it's not going to change anything to get mad at him for feeling tired after a 12 hour flight! I think he's entitled. Would you rather he didn't sign at all that day? And in the process disappointed more fans that could only come Saturday. Or how about he had a rest at his hotel first? So that when he did arrive things would ahve been even more rushed? Will that do you? I totally agree with sleepingdragons the quote about Billy being called a [DELETED BY MODERATOR] really got to me and I didnt see as there was any need for it. I think if people havent actually met Billy they cant really judge him like that, its just being mean, and considering Billy seems like such a lovely person he does not deserve that.
  17. I would have cheered, but I have to admit to being a bit in awe of him for the first 10 minutes! Then I spent the next 6 hours ignoring him because I had to work and concentrate on things other than him! lol Shocking. You were right to cheer! More people should have! I wanted hysteria! hehe And you're right. Billy was lovely and sweet. He really wanted to be there, but there is a lot of pressure on guests when it comes to living up to their fans expectations. Billy is fantastic. Taz xx I thought I was right to cheer, I was worried of sounding like a little school girl completely star struck--which I prob. did but Oh well, I enjoyed myself!!! And Billy deserved like you said "hysteria!" I think everyone was just speechless as he is soooo gorgeous! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  18. Hello you two! I was one of the two in front of you on that freezing Sat morning! the other is my mate Andy who say's hello, I'm glad you guy's enjoyed the day and got to meet Billy!!!!!!!!!!!!! (did you get a hug??????) I'm now laid up with a throat and chest infection, but hell it was worth it! My thanks as always go first to showmasters, good one! it worked! Thanks to all the crew, see you at CM. And to everyone else we met HI! Hope you two have not got colds?????!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO!!! So good to hear from you both!!! You were lifesavers Saturday morning--thanx again for the hot chocolate!! We looked out for you on Sunday but didnt see you, we werent stood outside for quite so long thank God! Becky has a cold but I dont hee hee, which I dont really think is fair on becky as I was the one dressed for Summer (stupid, stupid me!) Oh well meeting Billy made all the coldness worth while! And yes I did get a hug ummmmm sorry drifted off in happy memories then, now back to harsh reality and doing maths revision for a uni interview Sorry to hear you got a chest infection, hope that clears itself up. Hope you got to meet everyone you wanted to. See you at Collectormainia if I can earn enough money to make up for spending my life savings at LFACC!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  19. My photos came out very dark as well, except the ones that were really close up-- thank God my pic of Billy came out fine!!! I think the darkness was because the room was so huge it just swallowed up the camera flash so that was very annoying but at least some came out ok! I was thinking is everone going to post their pics on the forum so we can all share?? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  20. Billy all the way!! He was lovely and I cant wait 'til he does another event like this *crosses fingers*
  21. Hey Gandalfia, thankyou for replying, I hoped Billy would have liked his presents and hope he wouldnt be offended by my drawing of Pippin (as I thought Billy was the most difficult to draw!!) Yeah I remember you sitting there alone for 3 hours-you looked so bored, I was standing at the front of the queue and I would not budge!! When Billy arrived I thought everyone would cheer- or at least give some sort of reaction but I was the only one that made a sound-- so you may remember that!! oops, I always manage to make myself look silly at things like this!! Oh well its all part of the fun!! Can I just say, for the record I personally thought Billy was fantastic-- for me he exceeded all expectations and was the highlight of my weekend. He's such a sweetheart. Love him to bits
  22. I agree the auction on saturday was fantastic!!!! It was so much fun and wow, Andy was great! Also Bruce was very funny! In the talk Andy pointed at me to ask a question and I sort of sat there and vancantly looked at him and went 'me??' he just nodded and smiled! I met Andy on Saturday morning and must have looked such an idiot, I was sort of peering around the corner at him thinking 'hmmmmm he doesnt have a queue so does that mean he's not signing?' Andy saw me and just smiled! When I eventually twigged that he wouldnt be sitting there if he wasnt ready to meet people I went up to him and was so clumsy I was stuttering and dropping all my bags, but Andy was great!!! I soon got over my initial nerves!! I just hope he doesnt remember me as the dippy girl who dropped all her stuff and couldnt speak properly!!!
  23. I was trying to take a photo of Sala from quite a distance as I had not paid and didnt have any money left, so thought I couldnt meet him. I glanced over the top of my camera only to see Sala beckoning me and my friend over to him saying "Come here" I thought I was in trouble or something I was like 'OMG im sorry I'll pay, I promise, Im sorry!!!' But he simply said "Theres no point in me being in the picture on my own, come on, can someone take the photo?" He was great!!!!
  24. Wow Gandalfia, you are so lucky that you could sit with Billy on Saturady, I was one of the people that gave him drawings I had done of some of the cast from LOTR, I gave them to Billy in a tube, I didnt tell him what was in there as I felt guilty about holding up the queues I was the very first person to meet him. Do you know if he looked at them at all?? It would mean a lot to me if you could tell me if you know! Thankyou xxxxxxxxxxxx
  25. I was the first person to see Billy when he arrived on Saturday. He was such a lovely person, he was fantastic. He took time to look through some drawings I did of the LOTR cast and commented on them (which meant a lot to me) He signed the drawings and a photo which I had brought. I had to lean in for a picture while he was signing to save time which is fair enough. I had a real stroke of bad luck on Sunday, my camera ended up breaking so I think all of my pics are ruined but I told the showmasters and they took me up to meet Billy again so I could have at least one picture of him, Billy was such a sweetheart, he posed for a picture with me, really cheered me up, he even offered me and my friend a polo, it's the little things that make moments like that so memorable! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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