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Everything posted by Angel_79

  1. You serious? He's cancelled the hub again?????? LOL *shakes head* that man!
  2. Leave home earlier - maybe on the Friday night instead??! I mean seriously - what do you want SM to do, rearrange the timetable to suit you? Bit of a mean thing to say. As I read it; the issue was that "on the day" photoshoot tickets would probably be best suited to photoshoots that take place a while after opening to give time for people to get through that HUGE cue and buy their tickets before the photoshoot takes place. I really dont think that the complaint was a personal one at all. I totally understand that SM can't go organising their timetable around specific people, but it really would have made more sense to arrange photoshoots where people have to buy their tickets at the event to be just a little later in the day to allow for the amazingly long cue in order for the attendees to buy the actual shoot tickt lol WOW that sounded complicated. Personally, everything works out BRILLIANTLY for myself and I'm really looking forward to it.
  3. The only real moan I have is the debarcle with the Alex Kingston photoshoots. We bought our photoshoot tickets at 9am on Saturday morning and was given ticket 365 which would have been ok had we not then discovered that people who bought their tickets on Sunday were given lower numbers which meant for LONG LONG LONG waits after people who bought their tickets AN ENTIRE DAY AFTER US to get their photographs first. I understand that the staff accidentally used the wrong ticket book on Saturday and gave out the highest numbered tickets to people who should have got their photoshoots before the people who bought them on Saturday. My issue was resolved and I thank the showmasters team for this, but I know for a fact that this affect MANY MANY other unhappy customers who didn't have their issue resolved and so I felt it was something that needed to be brought up so that, in future, things like this didn't happen again because, as you know, unhappy customers today means lower numbers tomorrow. Thanks again for a great event Carole
  4. Yay! He's come back.. hopefully this time we wont give him the lurgy.
  5. I would LOVE Torchwood India... make it look like the place has been frozen in time, the outfits would ROCK!
  6. Getting into Northampton about half past twelve on the Friday. Since my room wont be ready I guess I'll be in the bar if it's open so if you see me please come and say "Hi". For some reason I always feel really shy at cons about just going up to people and saying hi to them.
  7. So my fannish heart is well and truely breaking... I can't afford to come this weekend and Lisa Wilcox is one of my childhood heros. I know that sounds weird but my friends watched a lot of horror (we sneaked them on when the olds were out) and Lisa was my favorite. Alice was my first kick spam hero after Linda Hamilton so I'm gonna be gutted I'm not going to get to meet her. Saying that, the whole line up for the weekend is AWESOME!!!
  8. First of many hubs I hope! You're a swift fan... does "Breathe" make you think of the Doctor (after he's gone ofcourse) at all? Does me, but I'm weird like that.
  9. Yay! It's looking like it's on it's way to being another fantastic event. Brilliant guest... great guy. Thanks SM.
  10. Hi Jason, I spoke to Tom Price a while back and he said he'd really like to come to the HUB if someone would ask him. Thanks
  11. I keep reading that wrong and laughing; so sorry. LMAO .... now you bring it up that is so funny. lol
  12. Hi.. If you're still interested in getting a group together in London, please email me on Carole_ann_parker@yahoo.co.uk to arrange the details. Thanks
  13. Hiya.. I noticed on the map that in Nottingham there were three people from Hucknall. It'd be really great to hook up with other Torchwood fans in the area and to find out that there are three from right up the road was great, so if you guys are on here and fancy meeting up before the next hub give me a shout.
  14. Glad to hear it.. i did try to see if you had concussion but you were so wasted that it was completely pointless lol I was taking meds last weekend or I think I'd have been just as drunk. It's those bloody torchwood coctails that does it to ya, aparently alien alcohol has a higher percentage than UK standards; we'll just have to build up more of a resistence for next time lol Carole
  15. Well done Steff and co... How's your head Steff.. that was a nasty knock you took on friday night!!! Carole That'll be cool... I'd love it if we could get a group together down there.. maybe even get dressed up to draw some attention to ourselves. lol Carole
  16. Hi I met a lot of people at the hub who said they'd be interested in joining me in getting together to cheer Kai on when he runs the London Marathon next month When I sponsored Kai I said I'd be down there on the day pom poms an' all cheering him on and over the course of this weekend I was lucky enough to meet quite a few awesome people who said they'd be up for doing the same and joining me. So, since I didn't get any of your names (as I had to leave early because I got sick on saturday afternoon) could you get in touch with me at Dark_angel_mcuk@yahoo.co.uk if you're still interested. It'd be really cool if we could get a group of people together in the same place at the marathon cheering Kai on. Also, remember to keep sending those emails out to people to let them know that Kai still needs people to sponsor him www.justgiving.co.uk/kaiowen just a pound people, that's all it takes ... a quid or two each and we'll smash his target in no time. Look forward to hearing from you Carole
  17. If anyone's still looking for a room and doesn't mind sharing with us two ladies, please get in touch with me. Thanks, Carole
  18. I have to say that it's a bit of an odd ball ask but I'd love to see some of the early 90's teen movie stars out en force.. Sean Astin, Corey Feldman, Corey Haim etc etc. We haven't seen a few of them in a while and it'd be nice to see them at one of the events some time.
  19. It was the general party on Friday night and the night is very blurry for me as I started to feel unwell when we first arrived at the party. Nope.. no pics of us together *sniff sniff* whoever took the photo had a big camera and was snapping away at everyone in costume as they walked out of the hallway into the bar area as they came at about half 7/8pm.
  20. Thanks, it was worth a try. Maybe I shouldn't buy my ticket soon soon after the previous event next time. lol Carole
  21. That's a great idea.. I have to say that I'm usually doing something for Comic Relief but this year haven't organised anything because of health issues. With all those people in one room it'd be a brilliant location to get some well needed funds for the charity. Carole
  22. The only thing that has irritated me has been the party theme lateness.... party themes have been announced at such a time that to get together any form of decent victorian costume is impossible for me. Victorian costume in itself is a bloody hard costume to travel with so not a very good choice and obviously made without the thought of people who will be travelling to the convention via public transport (so can not possibly cart that kind of costume with them) other than that I completely understand that all the events that are organised means that things don't move as swiftly and/or as smoothly as you would like. Hopefully next time a decision will be made a lot quicker to give us more time to go out and source those almost impossible outfits lol Carole
  23. Hi. I think I posted this topic before but can't find it. I bought a standard ticket a while back and wanted to know if there was any facility to upgrade my ticket to a silver?? Thanks, Carole
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