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The Biscuit Boy

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  1. Great TV and Film guest? With their TV series running into 22 seasons, being the lead in a 14 movie franchise and having a cameo in the Marvel cinematic universe as them self, it can only be... Thomas the Tank Engine! If not, I'll go for Evangeline Lilly or Kiefer Sutherland please.
  2. Excellent guest. Any chance of a comic con sing-a-long with him and Meat Loaf duet-ting on 'Country Roads' ?
  3. Congrats to Showmasters for this coup. Not my cup of tea but gives me hope that they can persuade some of the more elusive guests that are of interest to me to attend one day
  4. Has anyone suggested Benicio del Toro? As he has been in Bond, Wars and the marvel universes he would certainly help with completing collections plus it fits with his Marvel universe name. Throw in his other work such as Sin City, The Wolfman and The Usual Suspects, it certainly adds up to massive guest that many would like to meet. A very quick google search brings up only that annual advertisement gathering in the USofA
  5. My other guest would be Sean Connery for the James Bond fanatics
  6. I'm going with Doug as well. He played a Kelpian on ST:Discovery and they were eaten in the mirror universe which would itself tie into the hell reference. Plus the mirror Captain Lorca was fond of eating fortune cookies.
  7. I'm going with Humongous as being a clue and fully expect Showmasters to unleash an army of Hughs on us, led of course by Hugh Jackman. And he'll be backed up by Hugh Grant, Hugh Laurie, Hugh Bonneville and Hugh Quarshie.
  8. How about the following for a wish list: - Movie Stars - Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana TV - Anyone from American Gods, Gotham or Star Trek Destiny Comics - Joss Whedon, Mark Millar All time legend - Samuel L. Jackson And just because he is the most entertaining person I've ever met - Brian Blessed
  9. So this was my first time at LFCC and I must say I really enjoyed it. I had a smallish auto hit list of 7 and managed to get them all. Both Simon Furman and Andrew Robinson were delightful to meet but Valene Kane was by far and away the most wonderful guest I met - so full of energy and great to chat with. Also the information provided on these forums before hand proved extremely helpful to plan my day. The only negatives that I came across was that the guest floor, especially around the Natalie Dormer area, became a bit too crowded with people cutting through the guest queues rather than going around. The constant jostling became annoying however I appreciate that there is no second guessing which guests are going to be popular and have the corresponding queues to enable you to plan around potential bottle necks The only other negative was the start of the BTTF diamond talk on Sat. I was there fifteen mins before the talk started but the slow loading of the auditorium meant that that the talk started while we were still outside the main stage. I consider that to be disrespectful to both the people who have paid to be there and were queuing ahead of time and to the guests on the stage who surely must have been distracted by the people still walking in and finding seats. A five min delay to proceedings would have meant everyone would have been in, seated and ready to give Tom and Chris the big cheer they deserved when they walked on stage. But like I said, I thoroughly enjoyed the event and I look forward to who is announced for next year. My thanks to all involved.
  10. As its in Donny, any chance of a Yorkshire theme with the guests? For starters I would go i with:- Jodie Whittaker - The next dr. who Diana Rigg - Bond, GOT, The Avengers Judi Dench - Bond David Bradley - Dr. Who, Harry Potter Sean Bean - LOTR, GOT Patrick Stewart - ST:TNG, X-Men
  11. Is it Mark Carney - Governor of the bank of England, coming so we can all get mates rates on the loans we all need to meet all the awesome guests this year? Failing that I would be happy with any of the Trek Captains.
  12. I still think its Patrick Stewart. All the hopeful and tenuous links still hold up!
  13. Thanks for all the responses, its very much appreciated. It looks like I'll be taking my poster
  14. I'm super excited to be attending my first LFCC but I have what maybe a bit of a daft question to ask. Is there a size limit on the things the guests are can/willing to sign? I have a maxi size Rogue One poster (approx. 62 x 92 cm) that I am considering getting some signatures on. I'm concerned that it might be a bit unwieldy to offer up for signing and for carting around the place. Any advice appreciated Thanks
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