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Everything posted by The_batflash123

  1. I always watched a certain kids show called Icarly when I was younger (still watch reruns on tv though) which had the Space Needle thingy on the background so now I'm finally gonna visit that
  2. But will there also be space for some Peter?
  3. I heard that if you say his name in the mirror 3 times, he will be somewhere on the planet.
  4. Yes, your book with your favorite Capaldi quotes or you can't join the party
  5. I think you're five days too early to say that
  6. I'm in Seattle this weekend (first time in the US btw) with 22°C. I still prefer that to 30°C.
  7. It was going to be the hottest day today in Belgium in like forever. It was like 35°C yesterday and I was like what can be hotter than this? It's only 18°C today...
  8. Well, James Bond is a series of movies so everything is possible
  9. Maybe if it's a famous horror actor who kills people in some gruesome ways
  10. Confirmed by Jason on facebook. These are no Doctor Who guests and are famous for their film careers.
  11. So you needed 56 years to find out that Doctor Who started 56 years ago?
  12. Do it *enters evil Emperor Palpatine laugh*
  13. Don't get me wrong. I didn't mean to say that Kilmer isn't a legend but he's done a fair amount of cons before so I just wouldn't consider him as rare as the post stated.
  14. Holy guacamole, 21 actors with a diamond pass option. With still a month to go, that really is a lot
  15. Val Kilmer is not one of the legendary guests.
  16. This is a really awesome guest. I think this isn't one of the three guests since he doesn't have a Diamond Pass.
  17. Normally when a prop shoot for an actor is available then the props will also be available for regular shoots. I think they'll confirm it closer to the event if they haven't already.
  18. Maybe someone else can help you more than me but here is a lot of extra info about your questions. http://www.londonfilmandcomiccon.com/index.php/accessibility You can collect your Tom Ellis Diamond Pass on saturday and I guess it's okay to bring a foldable stool with you.
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