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  1. Ok thanks Raylenth - which thread is it already being discussed in? I checked on my bank account this morning and the money hasn't actually been taken out yet so maybe they didn't get around to doing it yet - or it could be a delay with the banks. In any case I just wanted to know what was happening.
  2. Hi, I am a bit confused as I cannot see this listed on the photo schedule anywhere and it has now been removed from the Eventbrite page. Has this photoshoot been cancelled? If so will there be an official announcement or an email to confirm and will full refunds take place soon as I bought my ticket on Thursday night, and it was an expensive photo!
  3. I think you have the same kind of expectations that I have with guests Inga. I go hoping to get a nice autograph or photo, and any other conversation I have with a guest is a bonus. I did get a photoshoot with Famke and I am happy with the result and that I got to meet her if only for a brief moment. Unfortunately I didn't have time to get an autograph but I am glad you had such a positive experience when you got yours.
  4. This was only the third London convention I have been to and I have enjoyed them all for different reasons, but this year I felt much more chilled out and there was much less rushing around. Maybe I am more experienced now and have become more organised by printing out the schedules and maps so that I at least have a vague idea of where I am going, or perhaps I had a few less guests to see than last year, but I don't feel quite as knackered as the last couple of years, despite having the start of a cold during the weekend. I actually had more time this year just to wander around the stalls and mostly browse, apart from buying a few gifts for my family. I tend not to buy merchandise for myself any more as I have enough stuff already and I prefer to save money for photos and autographs. Plus it always seems a bit pricey, but it is fun to have a look anyway. The vehicles seemed fine to me - I agree the tumbler looked as if it would fall apart if someone brushed past it but actually looked good in the photo I got of it. I think if they had the actual props to look at you wouldn't get as close and the entrance cost would likely go up. Having said that I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the Dredd bike was the actual one from the film and you could get up close to it as well! As for negative points - I am generally a chilled out guy with these kinds of things and tend to go with the flow but the thing that annoyed me the most was that I went to two early photoshoots on Saturday to try and get in having Batch two for both but got turned away as they only had time for Batch one. Instead of wasting an hour waiting I could have gone to the free Beverley Hills Cop talk but I guess it was a free talk so at least I didn't lose money, and it was a gamble that I lost. Also there was a bottleneck of people lined up in some of the more popular guest areas which was a bit claustrophobic. I can understand the stress of not being able to find guests but generally they were in the same places each day. Obviously some guests changed each day so there was some moving around - perhaps this could have been decided and shared with staff earlier? All in all I came away very happy as I got everything done that I wanted to and even had time to visit the Star Wars display in a famous department store to sit in a Falcon cockpit replica - I can highly recommend that for anyone who is a Star Wars fan!
  5. I just wanted to start a thread for people who, like me, had a positive experience meeting Famke and would like to share it. So if you feel like posting negative or sarcastic comments please kindly post them on one of the other threads and keep this one dedicated to positivity! :)
  6. That is a great photo - hopefully it is worth the anxiety you were feeling at the time! It just goes to show that you can respect a guests personal space and still get a great photo!
  7. From what I've seen of the photos posted with Famke they don't look that bad to me. She might not have a big cheesy grin but not everyone smiles like that anyway. I have had photos with guests who look as if they are not smiling that much but then everyone is individual and have different personalities. Last year I had a photo with a guest that at first I was unhappy with because they didn't look as if they were smiling that much - in fact I thought they looked a bit grumpy. I probably would have asked for a reshoot but I had to dash to another photoshoot straight after. Later on though I realised that it was just the guests way of smiling that made them look that way and I still will remember that moment as the chance I got to meet them if only very briefly. The photo is not going to be on display in a very prominent position though! During photoshoots there isn't a lot of time for talking especially when staff rush you through quickly and can all be a bit stressful at times. Some guests might cope with this better than others especially if they have more experience of photoshoots. They are only human after all! Also some guests might not want to do much talking if they are not used to the experience and are feeling a bit uncomfortable. As I said the photo I had with Famke was fine and she did respond to me saying hi though I can't remember what she said back! This was later on Sunday though so maybe she got more used to the process. I got my photo anyway so I got what I paid for - I feel it is a shame that some people didn't get what they expected but my opinion of her is not tarnished, and there were many people who had more positive experiences with her especially when getting her autograph so maybe that is what she was more comfortable with doing.
  8. I love my photo with Jeremy as we look like lifelong buddies not just guys who have only just met. It will definitely be one of my all time favourite photos with a guest.
  9. For me, getting a unique sketch of Judge Dredd drawn by Carlos Ezquerra was one of the highlights of the weekend and I will treasure it forever. I could have watched him sketch all day! Also the photoshoot with Carlos & John and the original bike from Dredd was really cool :)
  10. Vic is a true legend and I am so glad that I got to meet him. Next to Harrison Ford who I probably will never meet Vic is the star of the Indiana Jones films with the amazing and iconic stunts he carried out on those films as well as many other classics. Plus it was great meeting his wife Wendy as she has worked on so many films with him - it's sweet thinking they met whilst filming and have been together ever since - a true love story that should be made into a film itself!
  11. I think it is a shame that some people felt they had a bad experience meeting Famke, but I am not so sure about some of the reasons that have been given in terms of not getting what they paid for. In my mind when paying for a photoshoot or an autograph, I am paying for just those things - a photo standing next to the guest, or their autograph on a picture or some other item. If I get to shake hands, hug, speak to or interact with a guest during a photoshoot or autograph signing then I consider it a bonus gift that has been granted to me by that guest at that time. Yes it can make the experience much more satisfying if you get to do these things, but I am not going to take these things for granted, and just because one guest will be chatty and smiley and let you ask them loads of questions or take a selfie with them doesn't mean that they all will be. I found that the photoshoot with Famke was fine - I said hello and she responded rather quietly, but the photo turned out pretty good as she had a nice polite smile. It wasn't a big cheesy grin, and we weren't hugging like best pals, but it is still a photo I will treasure as an experience of meeting one of my favourite Bond girls. When I read somewhere in this thread that somebody was going to throw away their photo and autograph it made me feel quite sad that they would just chuck them away like that. If I got what I paid for but the experience wasn't the best in the world then I would still keep the photo and autograph even if they didn't get put on display. Or at least try to sell the autograph and spend the money on another guest next time around or maybe give it to charity. I certainly wouldn't just throw them away. I think maybe we are spoilt by guests that give us more than the face value of the photoshoot/ autograph with little extras, and perhaps shouldn't expect every guest to interact in this way. After all they are all individuals and each guest should be treated as such, and their wishes should also be respected. (Also being told several times not to touch a guest by staff is probably their way to ensure that security doesn't wrestle you to the ground!)
  12. Hi, Please could I just check this - If I want a pre-order autograph dedicated then do I just select the option on the drop down box and then write my name in the customer notes box? Cheers
  13. Hi I am kinda new to this forum - only been a member for about a year. I am coming on my own to LFCC so was a bit stuck for things to do on the Saturday night - It would be great to meet up at the pub and unwind after what will probably be a very hectic day! So hope to see some of you there. I have also got a gold pass so might bump into some of you in the gold pass room!
  14. I would love to see Mark Hamill at LFCC this year - I have missed him at so many other conventions! Especially with the new film this year it would be amazing!
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