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Everything posted by Hp101

  1. This would be awesome I love merlin!
  2. Please please there's never been an official one or one that I'm aware off there's hundreds and hundreds thousands.... That would come please show masters have a Harry potter one please...........................................................................................................................................
  3. Please please have one in London because it's always up north and for us southerner lol it would be great.
  4. There's no way of telling if there will be anymore at the mo, it's a case of keeping an eye on the forum. You should be okay getting the autographs. They may be likely to be open queue, so you should get them quite quickly, but even if one or two is virtual queue, you'll still get an auto if you have a VQ ticket, just keep an eye on the boards to see what number they've got to. Thanks prob Natalia will have vq the other oq
  5. Cool collector mania locked great wishi could of gone
  6. This is my first time too my mum cause I'm 13 is gonna spend for the event around 600 and then the hotel around £300 so ig your buying a lot £700 approximate if not £400 should cover it depends how big the stars you want to talk or auto or pic and then spending on stalls
  7. But buying this will loose a lot of spending money ahhh it's really hard to choose
  8. True, but Karen is the female lead on the biggest drama on British TV (of *any* kind, not just SF and cult stuff!). I know that's what makes it so tempting
  9. I'm coming as a half muggle half death eater lol no mask or cape lol :/
  10. I want a golden pass lol but damn there expensive
  11. Is it a good hotel it's my first time and it's really near
  12. A photo Albumn I also get autos via fanmail quite expensive but you can get some in under 2 weeks back lol
  13. You could get a online petition and send it to them I totally back this up
  14. I'm 13 and this will be my first convention how old are you guys and how many have youu been too?
  15. For me its all the Harry potter ones I've already meet Natalia shes nice but still looking forward I want to see Karen Gillian but she's expensive so I will probes just try and get a glimse What about you guys?
  16. Thanks I think I'm gonna go early though but thanks
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