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Bestdamnfan last won the day on November 6 2015

Bestdamnfan had the most liked content!

Bestdamnfan's Achievements

Assistant Editor

Assistant Editor (6/23)



  1. Alyson Hannigan!!!!!!!!! Now that she has started doing events!!!!!!
  2. well going by James Marsters photoshoots hes on batch 5 so thats at least a couple of hundred just for him, plus all the other attendees for the other guests so id say a decent number
  3. hi just wondered can the Gold Pass be bought on the day?
  4. Gwendoline Christie, would be nice, think i spelt her name right....
  5. "Guests can and will be announced up to the day of the event"
  6. seeing how ive just started watching Game Of Thrones, more GOT guest please that are not Sunday only Also Jurassic Park/World guests and more Wrestling and Power Rangers please!!!!
  7. seeing how ive just started watching Game Of Thrones, more GOT guest please that are not Sunday only
  8. can we have confirmation on if Sunny is still attending as she has been arrested again
  9. Ciara Hanna Buffy guests Wrestling guests Agents Of Shield guests Ciara Hanna Jurassic Park/World guests Power Rangers guests Ciara Hanna Gotham guests Tara Strong oh and i forgot to mention Ciara Hanna please!!!!!!!!!
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