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About EternallyEnchanting_

  • Birthday 10/25/1988

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  • Location
    Isle of Purbeck

EternallyEnchanting_'s Achievements

Assistant Editor

Assistant Editor (6/23)



  1. Early plans for me are Kili from The Hobbit on Saturday, and Femme!Aladdin on Sunday. Friday night is still undecided as of yet. =D
  2. Yes! I've yet to see this outfit of yours It is now 100% finished =D Will get some photos up on Facebook soon =)
  3. Provided I can get myself together this time around, I'll finally be using Femme!Glenn (Walking Dead) and hopefully Lady Thor. =)
  4. Since Steve Cardenas has been announced I'm tempted to try and get my Ninjetti Power Rangers costume done for the weekend.
  5. Femme!Glenn from The Walking Dead on one day, and Femme!Jayne Cobb from Firefly on the other. =)
  6. Looks like I'm doing Loras Tyrell from Game of Thrones, and Glenn from The Walking Dead. =D
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