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Everything posted by Jennyx3

  1. Do you guys have MSN? then i could add you.. & show u the pics. (: the pitch was awesome. especially that the ball hit one man of the camerateam. lmao (he deserved it LOL .. but long story..)
  2. Me with Justin Chon. my picture of peter F. & me suxx. ): lol.
  3. hahaha hopefully not. would be embarassing for me. LOL
  4. You see I totally missed this interview thing. Me and my boyfriend we Edward and Emmett Cullen and think we had gone outside for a cigerette. Would love to read/see the interview though. mh if i know the date, i can tell you, when it comes on tv but i think you wont can see it in the UK .. cuz its a german program. /:
  5. okay now i know. You were the girl doin the baseball thing right?haha i was the girl with the camerateam from germany, u know?? iam sorry, that u've to do this stupid interwiev. ! haha. the camerateam was a bit .. silly... *sigh*
  6. Yay Rhi has photos! Love you Rhi! Sorry I didn't get to see you much over the weekend you going to the Brum mini con right? So hopefully will get to see you all weekend there did u were the Alice, who was walking around with another alice on sunday? if yes, i got a pic of yew. lol.
  7. Iam getting there by Plan.. Traveling to London tomorrow morning. Staying in London til tuesday at Myplace hotel (:
  8. But whats when my entry ticket doesnt arrive. I dont think i'll get my tickets, til friday now. So ill print the order etc and show it on the information desk. But, i also dont havent my early bird sunday ticket yet... What shall i do? Should i go to the entry and show them my conformation?
  9. I attend the group. Whats ur name in FB? xD I want to write u a msg
  10. •Name - Jenny •Photo - •Age - 17 •What day you are attending LFCC - Sunday •Whether you are going to the Twilight Audience - Yes •Are you going to Nando's Saturday - Nope •Are you going to Nando's Sunday - I try, but i dont really understand this thing. where me meet up and stuff?! Maybe someone can tell me?! But i want to. •Are you going on your own? - Yes, but i want to meet up with anybody. and hopefully with some of u ?!
  11. I also dont have any of my tickets yet. Iam afraid to dont get it til next week Friday. Cuz Iam flying already on the 17th to London. If not, when i print the conformation order... can i show it at the Entrance???
  12. ohyes that's right. I can imagine that sum ppl really would do that. lol But i think we all can trust malcom, that the pic will be good. (:
  13. did Malcom(?) show u the photo before u leaving? So that u can say if its good in ur opinion or not? I dont think so. Isnt it? I just wondered 'cuz purple vamp has written (damn bad english of mine.lmao) that she wanted another picture.
  14. OMG. Thats seems like some people have to much money. lmao I mean. The things at the auction are awesome, really. But £ 6000 is really much. damn. Iam a bit shocked lol
  15. So unfair, dass ihr zwei alle beide Tage geht..grml. Das ist der nachteil, wenn man nochnicht sein eigenes Geld verdient ): Ja ich komme auch Freitag morgen.früüüh an.. um 7.25 geht in berlin der flug *gähn*
  16. (: Geht ihr an beide Tagen auf die LFACC? Oder nur an einen? Wann kommt ihr in London an? Macht ihr auch 'Urlaub' mehrere Tage dort, oder wirklich nur für die Con? *Aus Berlin ist*
  17. That's a VERY cool photo! I WANT ONE!!! Was it your idea to stand in front of Peter with his arms around you like that? If so, how did you ask for this? i love this picture too. Its so cute. :) ² Binebear: U also traveling from Germany to London? Thats rather cool. :) Where from Germany are u from? (sry 4 off topic but u cant send PNS in here.)
  18. I totally agree with you. Iam also a twilighter and think the Tshirt is really funny. I think Peter will laugh about it. So you dont need to worry, i think.
  19. Iam staying at the My Place hotel ... Anyone else?
  20. PNs gehen hier nicht, und e-mailen übers Forum direkt auch nicht. E-Mail ist macjericho at yahoo.com. Halt ohne Leerzeichen und at ist ja klar. Ich sitze leider gerade an einem anderen PC ohne MSN, aber ich werfe das Ding dann morgen abend mal an. Keine Sorge, es hört sich wirklich alles komplizierter an als es ist. ok habe dir gemailt (: thx again
  21. ² Turkfox: Thank you. (: I'll try to remember ² Queen: Ich wollte dir eine PN schreiben, aber dann steht hier, dass ich die funktion nicht benutzen kann.. Habe dich jetzt mal in MSN geaddet. Oder du gibst mir mal deine Email-addy (weil wenn ich auf E-mail hier gehe, kommt dann auch, dass ich die funktion nicht benutzen kann) Aber erstmal danke schonmal. (: Auch wenn das alles ein wenig kompliziert klingt..aber ich denke das werde ich schon hinkriegen.
  22. Hey. I dont know, if i'am allowed to start a topic for my questions here, but i hope so. I'am sorry for my bad english, because i'am from germany. But i want to visit the Convention in July and will fly 2gether with my family to london. xD But i have sum questions. 1. Can i order the tickets, from germany also??? Or is it just for national visitors??? 2. When i'll shoot a photo on a photosession sunday - where can i get that?? 3. What about the autographsessions? Where can i get the tickets for it?? (or dont u need a ticket for it) 4. is there a board-meeting or smth like this? because i dont want to go alone in there .. bcause .. i will dont know anything or anybody..and everything will be in another language for me..and so it will be good if i would know sum person before.. 5. when does the convention ends on sunday? Iam sorry for my stupid questions... ._. but my english is anyways not perfect, so i can't understand all.. Iam so sorryyy.... pls answer fast, cuz my mum will book the flight 2 london tomorrow..and before i have to know, if i can order the tix, from germany. xD xoxo Jenny from germany THX for your help (: (and iam also sorry, if this topic is wrong here..) BTW: I know that there are FAQ - but my english is not so good that i can' understand everything there..
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